Many Additions: Reboot Edition

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                                                                                  Made by Pawofthewild

Please read this!

Many Additions: Reboot Edition (aka MA Reboot, MAR, MARE) is the True Final Installment of the MA Series. 

This MA is different from the other MA mods because this takes the best parts of all of the MA's and redo them to be more unique and interesting. MA Reboot will not just add the same stuff from previous MA's but add new (and better) content that makes this mod stand out from the other MA's. Due to the fact that MA Reboot is well a Reboot, it will contain some new things that might be extremely different from the mainline MA mods like making a true progression system. 

What does this MA contains?

This MA contains some of the same blocks/items like Lamps, Sawdust, Mincemeat, and Checkered Tiles but unlike the other MA's, the Checkered Tiles are now in 16 Dyes instead of the Classic White and Red Checkered Tiles. But the new things that MAR added is a new biome called Chalkstone Plains which contains a new stone type and ore, which the ore is used for new building blocks, new truffles which can be found by using a Truffle Stick on Grass Blocks, A Wishing Block that can give the player stuff. There will be more things in the future!

Showcase of the New Checkered Tiles and some cool new Tiles



Q: What will happen to MA3?

A: MA3 will not have anymore updates at all, not even for porting or maintenance.

Q: How can I know about the future updates for MA Reboot?

A: Check out the MA Reboot Roadmap Google Doc to see what the future updates for MA  Reboot.

Q: Can I use this mod in my modpack?

A: Yes and I will release this on Curseforge so it is easier to update it for modpacks. 


MA Reboot Roadmap

MA Reboot Curseforge


Thanks for supporting all of the MA mods!

Thank you all for downloading the previous MA mods, it means a lot and I am determined to make this MA the truly best MA mod out of all the MA series!

Thanks to TheSuperistGuyYT for Both the Ultra Deluxe Checkered Tiles and the retextured Luxury Checkered Tiles.

MA Reboot now has it own Discord Server! Join Today!




Minecraft mod files
MAR_Release_1.0_1.19.4.jar - The Base Release Uploaded on: 06/30/2023 - 18:36   File size: 755.62 KB
MAR_Release_1.1_1.19.4.jar - The Expansion Update Uploaded on: 07/24/2023 - 19:27   File size: 946.94 KB
MAR_Release_1.1_Patch_1.19.4.jar - The Expansion Update Patch Uploaded on: 07/25/2023 - 17:48   File size: 991.72 KB
MAR_Release_1.2_1.19.4.jar - The Adventure Update Part 1 Uploaded on: 07/28/2023 - 18:43   File size: 1.16 MB

The Adventure Update Part 1:


  • Phase Light (Includes Stairs, Slab.)
  • Sturdy Phase Light (Includes Stairs, Slab, Fence, Fence Gate, Wall.)
  • Phase Light Door
  • Phase Light Trapdoor
  • Chalkstone Pressure Plate
  • Chalkstone Button
  • Phase Light Synthesizer
  • Flint Knife
  • Flint Hatchet
  • Flint Saw
  • Blaze Lamp
  • Blaze Checkered Tiles (Includes Stairs, Slab.)
  • Ultra Deluxe Checkered Tiles Recipe (Includes Stairs, Slab.) (Credit goes to TheSuperistGuyYT)
  • Thatch (Includes Stairs, Slab.)
  • Four New Boulder Structures
  • Pink Fluff
  • Blue Eyes
  • Hex Flame
  • Glow Lily
  • Batter Pod
  • Red Desert
  • Snow Bricks (Includes Stairs, Slab, Wall)
  • Obsidian Bricks (Includes Stairs, Slab, Wall)



  • Added Recipe for Puce Door and Trapdoor
  • Added Recipe for Truffle Stick
  • Tweaked Both Glow Glass and Phantom Glass Recipe
  • Added Block of Voidite as a Beacon Base
  • Nether Rose can be used in Suspicious Stew and to Tame Bees
  • Renamed Both “Warm Bismuth Tiles” and “Cool Bismuth Tiles” to “Warm Bismuth Checkered Tiles” and “Cool Bismuth Checkered Tiles”
  • Minor Tweaks in the MAR Decorations Tab
  • Fixed the amount given after crafting Colorful Tiles, Hazard Diamond Tiles, and Error Checkered Tiles.
  • Changed the Luxury Checkered Tiles Textures. (Thanks to TheSuperistGuyYT for the Texture.)
  • Minor Tweaks in the MAR Blocks Tab

Can I just take the time to appreciate the funny naming for this mod? The words "addition" and "edition" rhyme and they're both here, so I just love this naming scheme ^_^