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Posted by: Warlerys
File description: Baby Survivor
File size: 3.81 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 128
Mod changelog:


- Enemies -
    -New Skill from Walker Opressor (Stomp)
        -Prob to deal damage to player will get pushed in air!
    -New Skill From Usurpator
        -Every Hit gain regeneration lvl 2 for 3 seconds.
    -New Skill from Walker Abyss eater
        -Gain Absorbsion if you are too near from him
    -New Skill from giga Executor (Incubator)
        -Can generate Critter Executors
    -New Skill from Deadclock
        -deals you curses while chasing you
    -Remade some animations and textures of Most of Monsters

    -Adjusted enemy range attacks
    -Fixed "When DeadClocks Flyes" bug
- World -
    -Fixed Game crash by Walker Hunter!
    -Reduced Fog From overworld
    -Spanish language Fully Support (Except Guns)
- Weapons - 
    -Remade gunshot textures
    -Nerfed IgnitDB9 Damage (-1)



- Enemies -
    -Remade Enemies Difficult and animations
        -if the difficult increase, enemies can swim more faster!
- World -
    -Fixed Cloud Nightmare biome bug while shaders using
- Weapons - 
    -Remade Gun Animations and Gun hud
    -Retextured burstmk5


- Enemies -
    -Reworked Fraturer and Abyss eater sounds!.

    -Improved Some Walker sounds
    -Retextured principal walkers
        -Walker Fracturer
        -Walker Abyss Eater
        -Walker Opressor
- World -
    -Adjusted Electroshock Effect
    -Reduced some Music sounds
    -Now there's a prob to appear music in night.
    -Readjusted some weapon sounds and animations

    -Added FOG
    -Remade GUI
- Weapons - 
    -Shotguns now penetrate as well to the enemies.

    -Rebalanced and buffed Melee Weapons



- Enemies -
    -Fixed Advancement monster
    -Ajusted Tormented Damage
    -Added Splitter
        -Enemy who waits for you with him chainsaw
- World -
    -Adjusted Underground sounds
    -Adjusted Electroshock Effect
- Weapons - 
    -Added IgnitDB7 (Flamethrower) (Crate Gen lll)
        -very faster attack rate
        -Burn the enemies for 6 seconds
        -Fire Resistance on wearer
        -If the weapon is destroyed you will burn for 15 seconds
    -Added RipperNK8 (ChainSaw) (Crate Gen ll)
        -Good Damage, Faster attack rate
        -Prob to deal extra damage to enemy  (6 DMG)
        -Hungry on wearer, +4 HP on wearer
    -Added FrontierG5 (UZI) (Crate Gen l)
        -Low Damage, very fast attack rate
        -This weapon has crits.
        -Weakness and bad omen on wearer and Waterbreathing
        - -2 HP on wearer


- Enemies -
    -Added Hapyness
        -Entity who teleports to player, deals wither for 3 seconds
        -you must kill him, because makes the day cicle off!
    -Adjust Teleport of some entities
    -Improved and fixed creature animations, retexture some walkers
    -Retextured Nightmare creatures
    -Now Nightmare creatures can appear in the overworld, the spawn rate is very lower
    -Added and improved Nightmare creatures
        -Nightmare Walker
        -Nightmare Walker 2
        -Nightmare disturbed
        -Nightmare Agressive Seeker
        -Nightmare Warned

- World -
    -Reduced day ambient sounds
    -Adjusted night ambient sounds.
    -Added Tutorial letter
        -only show the Soulcrate recipes

- Weapons - 
    -Fixed some fireguns bugs
    -Compatibility with 2 fire guns at once (main hand/offhand)
    -Electro shock can kill Warned Nightmare too.



- Enemies -
    -Adjusted Stinger Enemy
        -Added +15 HP    
        -Added +0.5 Range attack
        -Now is more agressive if you hurt him.
    -Added Nightmare Executor
        -Only found when entering nightmare event.
    -Now some monsters can appear in dungeons

- World -
    -Added letters to custom creative tab "letters"
    -Added more monsters to nightmare event
    -improved soul crates
        -Now there will be 3 crates, Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3
        -JEI mod for see the new recipes!.
    -Added new soul crate Improved
        -Can Drop enchanted weapons.
    -Added Spanish support for 8 countries
    -Configured music when playing on a server with friends
        -The music and sounds only plays if the admin is in the server.
    -Improved Difficult, now the XP Levels for difficult are 30 Levels.

- Weapons - 
    -Balanced shotguns
        -+1 Damage Proyectile.
    -Buffed PumpDB4
        -Added +3 Damage to bullets
    -Buffed Riotdb3
        -Added +2 Damage to bullets
    -Added BurstMK5 (pistol)
        -Shots can make the target burn for 9 seconds
        -Lower damage than glock
        -if you hit a enemy you probably burn for 3 seconds.
    -Added Distdk7 (shotgun)
        -has 15 shells per shot
        -Great damage, short range!.
        -low knockback, on punch gives you slowness.
    -Added DB-Tracer9 (sniper)
        -decent damage, super piercing
        -on bullet hit makes the entity slower and applies poison for 3 seconds
        -Very lower attack rate, on shot you will gain sloweness too!.
    -Fixed HunterDB9 Zoom bug.


- Enemies -
    -Balanced Walker hunter
        --20 HP
    -Balanced Walker Usurpator
        -+20 Hp
        --1 DMG
    -Reduced spawn rate from special Walkers

    -Added Diffuculty after complete a Weapon advancement

- World -
    -Adjusted Ambient sound and musics

- Weapons - 



- Enemies -
    -Added Walker Punisher
        -Variant of Walker Tormented
        -Has Dangerous Blades
        -Run Faster
        -Can block Fireguns Shoots! (Except Zommed sniper rifle and Killerdk9 shots) 
    -Added Walker Hunter
        - Variant of normal walker
        - can deal attacks with the glock
        - Precise shots, lower atk rate.

    -Improved animations from walkers
    -Fixed bug from Disturbed targeting the player
    -Reduced volume from seeker hability

- World -
    -Added Language Spanish to mod (Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, EspaƱa.)
    -Retexturized NightmareSoulCrate.
    -Added more Letters
        -Letters can be unlocked by advancements
        -Know the Dark Blood Lore!.
    -Adjusted channel sound from enemy's, all are in Hostile audio channel!

- Weapons - 
    -Fixed Sniper Rifle aim bug
        -Not show completly the zoom.
    -Added new hability to pumpdb4
        -Now shots deal slowness to target.
    -Added more Durability to Fire guns
    -Retextured some Melee weapons.



- Enemies -
    - Added Usurpator
        -Very faster monster
        -Normal Attacks, great loot
    - Added Faceless
        -Rare Walker variant
        -Quiet, if he detects you running in him radius he will attack you!
        -he are the stronger walker of the 3 variants (Opressor doesn't count)
        -Very Dangerous damage

    -improved Animations and some textures from Monsters

- World -
    -Added new advancements
    -Added new more Ambient Sounds
    -Reduced EXP Drop from walkers.
    - On fireguns, press "R" to view the weapon

- Weapons - 
    - Rebalanced Knifes
        -Added more attack speed
    - Added crits mechanics to Metal Pipe

    - Added SledgeBonecrusher
        -Stronger Knockback
        -There's a prob to push up the enemy, have crits
        -But Crits makes you weak!
    - Added Swords
        -The kingdoms eyelander
            -SKILL: Every hit gives you Nocturnal vision, Speed and Slow falling.
            -ISSUE: Prob to absorb 15 XP from player per hit And Slowness on wearer.
        -Dungeon's Bloody Hunter
            -SKILL: Resistance and Fire Resistance on wearer, Can Instakill Skeletons, Zombies and normal Walkers.
            -ISSUE: Slowness and absorbs 20 XP per Hit, no crits.
        -Cursed edgeforce
            -SKILL: Poison to target (4 DMG every 5 seconds)
            -SKILL: Lower HP can deals you Resistance.
            -ISSUE: Lower HP Can deals you Slowness
    - Added Guns in the mod
        -Ranged Weapons Doesn't have crits!
        -Ranged Weapons Doesn't give you advancements kills!
        -Glock MK-2 (Pistol)
            -SKILL: Speed on wearer.
            -ISSUE: Have Durability!, Slower shoot rate!.
        -Monsk M-4 (Pistol)
            -SKILL: Precision, on hit you gain 4 seconds of regeneration and nightvision
            -ISSUE: this weapon is weak on Giant walkers (Only Deal 3.5 DMG!)
        -Riot SB-3 (Shotgun)
            -SKILL: Resistance and great Knockback, No ammo required.
            -ISSUE: Has durability.
        -Pump DB-4 (Shotgun)
            -SKILL: Great Knockback, +3 Shells on shot.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, After shot you will be slower for 2 seconds, -3 Punch DMG.
        -Hunter DB-9 (Sniper)
            -SKILL: Luck on wearer, deals +10 DMG on zoomed.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, can't punch enemies with the gun, Can't move while focusing enemy.
        -Killer DK-6 (Sniper)
            -SKILL: On hit you gain Regeneration, Resistance and Fire resistance on wearer.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, Can't focus the enemy, less penetration bullet, slowness after hit an an enemy (3 seconds).



- Enemies -
    -Re-textured some enemies.
        -Walker,sucker,abyss eater, opressor, agressive seeker, stinger, warned.
    -Re-Made Agressive Seeker Animations.
    -Added animations to Warned
        -New seek ability of warned: gives you wither on seek.

- World -
    -Added difficult when you reach Exp Levels.
        - if the player reach 50 Levels of Exp, Walkers gain effects like, resistance, strenght or speed.

    -Reduced Medikit drop rate



- Enemies -
    -Added Agressive Seeker
        -a Little bit more bigger than the normal seeker
        -their curses are more agressive, make it teleport to the player
    -Added Small Executor
        -Smaller entity, can be annoying in smaller places, low damage, faster than stinger.
        -there is a prob to make you dizzy for 15 seconds
    -Added Big Executor
        -Bigger entity, Slower Walk, Heavy knockback damage
        -There is a prob to kill you instantly.

- World -
    -Added More Advancements.
        -to have this walkers achievements, the weapon does not have to finish killing the walker with criticals
    -Added More music
    -Fixed some details.

- Weapons -

    -Rebalanced Notably Dangerous MetalPipe
        -Added +20% rate to deal dangerous Damage
        -Added +1 Damage
    -Rebalanced HotSteel Bonecrusher
        -Now the probably to burn is hitting a enemy
        -Added + 1 Damage
    -Rebalanced Bonesaw
        -Added Resistance on wearer
    -Rebalanced Poison Knife
        -Added +4 after hit damage
        -Added +0.2 attack rate
    -Rebalanced Bloody Knife
        -Added minicrits
    -Rebalanced Bonecrusher
        -Now deals weakness to target too.
    -Rebalanced knife
        -Now to gain strenght your hp must be 8.
    -New Utility from Electro shock
        -Can kill instantly Walker Warneds and seekers!



- Enemies -
    -Adjusted enemy sounds
    -Added tormented
        -deadly quiet walker
        -After death he's probably back to life!
    -Added Faulter
        -long arms, good damage, appears chasing the player forever

- World -
    -Adjusted and added more background sounds.
    -Added Advancements.
    -Added music.
    -Added nightmare event
        -obtainable after "???"
        -Exit= killing a normal walker, he drops a portal.
- Weapons - 
    -Rebalanced Butcher knife
        -Added less tool resistance
    -Rebalanced ViciousButcherKnife
        -Now Have Crits but Hungry ll on wearer
    -Nerfed Reinforced Pickaxe
        -Less tool resistance
    -Nerfed Lethal Axe
        -Less tool resistance
    -Rebalanced Pipes.
    -Rebalanced Bonesaw
        -Added more damage and attack rate.
    -Balanced Some Reloading Weapons!

    -Added Running Butcher Knife
        -Speed and SlowFalling but poison on hit
        -Good damage than the other Butchers Knifes



- Enemies -
    -Added Walker
        - First and normal enemy, Spawns in too much groups
        - 20 Hp, normal speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Sucker
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 25 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Abyss Eater
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 30 Hp, unusual speed and lower damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Stinger
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 33 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain nausea!
    - Added Walker DeadClock
        - Spawns in some groups
        - 40 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
    - Added Walker Riot
        - Spawn lonely
        - 60 Hp, Slow but Deadly
        - Hits can make you dizzy
    - Added Seeker
        - lower spawn rate
        - 30 Hp, not move, if you are nearly he curses you!
        - i should kill him, annoying enemy!
    - Added Walker Observer
        - Lower Spawn rate
        - 60 Hp, strong damage, bigger walker.
    - Added Walker disturbed
        - Lower Spawn rate
        - 82 Hp, strong damage, is very stealthy but he detects you in nearly range
- World -
    - Added Background sounds
    - added souls
        -obtained after kill any walker
        -can tradeable for soulcrates!
- Weapons - 
    - Added Hammer and variants
        -Basic Weapon, normal damage, great knockback.
        -Skill: Great Punch, there is a prob to knockback the enemie to long distances
    - Added Knife and variants
        -Basic Weapon, low damage, Fast Attack rate, AOE DAMAGE.
    - Added Metal Pipe and Variants
        -Inusual Weapon, Very Good Damage, Lower attack rate
        - Can Stun target/deal big damage or burn the enemie
    - Added Fire axe and Variants
        - Powerfull attacks, low attack rate, Have crits
    - Added Reinforced Pickaxe and Variants
        - Powerfull attacks, very low attack rate, have some effects
    - Added BoneSaw
        - Normal damage, have effects, can Steal exp orbs of the entity
    - Added Butcher Axe and Variants
        - Low Damage, Good Effects, Some Issues!

    - Added Medkit
        -Basic, Refill your HP and gives you absortion for 3 seconds
    - Added Adrenaline-57
        -Basic, Gives you invulnerability for 15 seconds
        -After that, makes you slower for 5 seconds
    - Added Electric shot
        -Stun the enemy for 10 seconds
        -Deals 5 damage
        -Cooldown 10 Seconds

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