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Download of Bookshelf_Mod_v2.7.1.jar for Bookshelf Mod - 36 Bookshelves, Dungeons & more! should start shortly...

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Posted by: fulimester
File description: for Minecraft 1.12.2
File size: 713.23 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 802
Mod changelog:

Version 1.0

  • Added Bookshelves for each Wood variant


Version 1.3

  • Added 3 colored books (Blue, Green and Red)
  • Added crafting recipes for the colored books
  • Added crafting recipes for the bookshelves
  • Now you automatically get every recipe unlocked when joining a world
  • Whole code rewrite
  • Fixed some bugs


Version 1.6 - The Bookshelf Update

  • Added Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Stone, Stone Bricks & Mossy Stone Bricks Bookshelves!
  • Added Smooth Andesite, Smooth Diorite & Smooth Granite Bookshelves!
  • Added Bedrock, Obsidian, Coal Block, Gold Block, Iron Block, Diamond Block and Emerald Block Bookshelves!
  • Added Oak Log, Spruce Log, Birch Log, Jungle Log, Acacia Log and Dark Oak Log Bookshelves!
  • Added Bricks, Prismarine Bricks, Dark Prismarine, Nether Bricks, Red Nether Bricks, End Stone Bricks and Purpur Block Bookshelves!
  • Added 5 Secret Blocks!
  • Recipes for these new blocks are coming in Version 2.0!
  • Added Hungarian Language support for some items/blocks!
  • Fixed some visual glitches
  • Fixed some performance bugs
  • Fixed some other bugs

Version 2.0 - The Twitter Update

  • Added recipes for all the Bookshelves added in Version 1.6!
  • Added Hungarian Language support for all items/blocks!
  • Get into my mod just by following me on Twitter (@MasterPlayZ19)! My mod will get an update every week, where all my new followers will get into my mod - until the 100th follower! But there's more! There are different Twitter badges inside my mod: Blue (Level 1), Green (Level 2) and Gold (Level 3)
  • To get a Blue badge, you just have to follow me on Twitter! Blue badges have no specialties, your badge just appears in the mod - in a separate, 'Twitter' tab!
  • To get a Green badge, you have to sometimes like/retweet my posts on Twitter! Green badges have only one specialty - they are green instead of blue!
  • To get a GOLDEN Badge, you have to be very active on my Twitter! GOLDEN Badges have tons of specialties! They can one-shot every mob, they can break every block (expect Bedrock), they can be crafted by putting Gold Blocks around a block/item that represents the Twitter account and finally, they are all in a separate 'Golden Followers' tab!
  • Fixed some visual glitches
  • Fixed some performance issues
  • Fixed a bug, where some block have wrong names and/or codes
  • Fixed a bug, where crafting spruce bookshelf didn't work when doing it too fast
  • Fixed a bug, where some chunks with tons of Bookshelves don't load in

Version 2.3 - The Dungeon Update

  • Added Dungeons full of Bookshelf Mod Stuff!
  • Currently, there are 5 Dungeons: Spruce Library, Birch Library, Jungle Library, Acacia Library and Stone Library!
  • What do these do? Explore them and find out!
  • Removed the procedure, which would give all the recipes for every player when they enter the game
  • Added New followers into the Twitter tab
  • Increased the badge level of some players in the Twitter tab
  • Added support for German language
  • Fixed a major issue, where @PumpkinPlanet's Twitter badge was not craftable (sorry)
  • Fixed an issue, where too much Bookshelfs in one chunk would cause huge lag
  • The issue mentioned above is not completely fixed yet, but it will slowly get better with every update

Version 2.4

  • Added Oak Bookshelf Stairs for testing
  • Removed German language because of spelling issues and bugs
  • Fixed an issue, where incorrect Twitter badges were displayed
  • Fixed an issue, where incorrect Twitter names were displayed
  • Fixed an issue, where Followers added to the mod in Version 2.3 didn't appear in the Twitter tab
  • Fixed some spelling issues in Hungarian language

Version 2.7

  • Changed the texture of the books in all the Bookshelf types
  • Added Snow, Ice and Packed Ice Bookshelves
  • Added recipes for them
  • Added follower 'tbhrtn' to Golden Followers
  • Added a recipe for 'tbhrtn'
  • No more followers will be added in the future!!
  • Removed Oak Bookshelf Stairs
  • Fixed an issue, where Bookshelves had wrong names
  • Fixed an issue, where some Bookshelf's names were displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue, where when crafting a Bookshelf, you would only get 1 instead of 3
  • Fixed an issue, where EVERY Bookshelf had a wrong harvest level
  • Fixed an issue, where Green and Golden Followers had no abilities


Version 2.7.1

  • Updated the code for MCreator version 2019.5
  • Re-worked the surface of the Mod preview in the 'Mod Settings' tab contain more information and be smoother!
  • Re-ranged the order of items and blocks in the 'Bookshelf Mod' and the 'Twitter Followers' creative tabs!

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