biome generation strangeness

Started by SleepyWhirl on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

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biome generation strangeness
Thu, 10/19/2023 - 17:17 (edited)


ive been trying to make my biome appear properly in the overworld for a couple days now, but it seems as if that all it ever does is place my biome on the very rim of a river which then goes along it as this terribly narrow strip and then stops. what its supposed to do is act as something like a forest, which should preferably spawn near other types of forests or the plains. the main thing that confuses me is the biome generation temperature stuff and i just cant figure it out. do yall have some values that could work for that?


Edited by SleepyWhirl on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 17:17
Joined May 2022

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It's possible you have your…
Fri, 10/20/2023 - 19:58

It's possible you have your biome set to generate at very low elevation? I recommend checking out the wiki's guide on biome temperature, and, (more recently), elevation, all of which are important in determining how common your biome actually is. 

  • Elevation is exactly what it sounds like; biomes like swamps are set to generate at low elevations, where biomes such as groves require higher elevation to generate.
  • Temperature forms large areas of biomes with similar temperatures. High temperatures result in mesas, jungles, deserts, etc; medium temperatures results in temperate biomes such as plains and forests, and low temperatures result in cold biomes such as snowy plains, snowy taigas, etc. If your biome has a very high or very low temperature, it's possible it's just not finding valid places to generate.
  • ...Lastly, you might just want to try adjusting your biome's priority to see if this is the issue.