We really need a Crop Element! (Official addition / Plugin suggestion)

Started by Lunakibby on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Jan 2020

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We really need a Crop Element! (Official addition / Plugin suggestion)

I'd like a crop element to be added to simplify the process of making actually growable crops that are compatible with mods.

Reason being, this is one of the only vanilla functions remaining that is extremely difficult to replicate without breaking directly into coding it manually. The current tutorial for crops is not only outdated, but it is incompatible with mods that affect crops. We basically have to mimic the process with procedures and hope it works, which is a lengthy process to do for any mods with several crops in it, and it makes it harder for our mods to be compatible.

My hope is that a Crop Element would simplify this process like it has done for Saplings & Features, where you can just input the various settings you need, the textures of each growth stage, and make it so that anyone can make a mod with crops in it.

All we would need for settings is:
Time it takes to grow (Age)
Textures for each growthstage (Blockstate)
Blocks it can grow on (Block)
Item used to plant (Item/Food)
Item retrieved on break (Item/Loot Table)

My reason for needing this is I have 2 mod ideas that are ready to be built, textures wise, but I cannot get them off the ground without crops, and unfortunately I've not managed to figure out how to program these crops myself.

Hopefully this can be added officially (or as a Plugin)