Upvotes: 0
Supported Minecraft versions
Compressed cobblestone based off Extra Utilities 1.7.10
Compressed cobblestone to decrease space taken up by cobblestone.
There is also compressed sand, clay, gravel and flint.
The crafting recipes are the same but the textures are different. Except for flint, that texture is from Ex Compressum.
You can use this in your modpack.
No one might even be reading this or downloading this mod but I wanted to do a thing.
Modification files
Comperessed Cobblestone+ 1.10.2.jar
Uploaded on: 06/20/2018 - 20:55 File size: 1.02 MB
Ah man. I should have paid attention to what other people were making before i made my mod. I also have compressed cobblestone in my mod. I suppose in the rework i'm making i should change compressed cobblestone to be different in concept. Good luck in your future modding en devours.