Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I copied it from the original slime block, and it keeps giving me errors. I don't have much experience with java though.
C:\Users\pixel\MCreatorWorkspaces\endrevival\build\sources\main\java\net\mcreator\endrevival\ error: cannot find symbol
super.onFallenUpon(worldIn, pos, entityIn, fallDistance);
symbol: method onFallenUpon(World,BlockPos,Entity,float)
C:\Users\pixel\MCreatorWorkspaces\endrevival\build\sources\main\java\net\mcreator\endrevival\ error: cannot find symbol
super.onLanded(worldIn, entityIn);
symbol: method onLanded(World,Entity)
C:\Users\pixel\MCreatorWorkspaces\endrevival\build\sources\main\java\net\mcreator\endrevival\ error: cannot find symbol
super.onEntityWalk(worldIn, pos, entityIn);
symbol: method onEntityWalk(World,BlockPos,Entity)
3 errors
:compileJava FAILED
You put the code outside the block "part": the block class begins at line 43 and ends at line 60, your slime block code begins at line 62. Remove the } at line 60 and add one at the end of the file
Did you make sure you reformat and import and you used the right version of the code ?
Good catch there so @SomeoneElse I was reading on a mobile and missed that closed bracket
Thanks, it worked <3
Can you give me the fixed code? And how to actually use it? If not its fine :)
Sorry for the late reply, the code is
It stopped working on the newest version though, and the code for 2020.2 is