How to Make an Armor


Making a new armor

On this page, you'll find out how to create your very own armor!

Creating the armor

  • Start MCreator
  • If you don't want custom armor, skip this step. To make custom armor just go to Making new texture
  • Click on "New Mod"
  • Name it and click "Armor"


  • Choose the textures for each armor piece. To deactivate a certain armor piece, click on the checkbox to deactivate this element. To have a custom model, click on ”Click to expand” under each element.
  • Change the name of the part if needed.
  • Click on ”Next page”

Using Vanilla armor model

The vanilla Minecraft armor model can be automatically generated by MCreator, but you can also create one from scratch for extra customization. 

  • By default you need to create two textures, one for the Helmet, Chestplate and Boots parts and one for the Leggins.
    • You can also choose separate files for each part, but it's not recommended.
  • The textures must be a 64x32
  • The Helmet has a second layer, like the player head. This is not used by the vanilla armors, but use it if you want to add more details to your armor!

The images below show you how an armor texture should look, alongside all the positions for each piece (1 cube : 1 pixel). The texture used in these templates is the Minecraft diamond armor.

  • Since this is a fixed model, Minecraft will not render anything outside the borders and pieces put in the wrong positions will result in a broken armor texture


Helmet, Chestplate and BootsLeggins

Using 3D armor models

Armor items use regular JSON or OBJ models if you want to specify the model of the item when held in hand, when dropped, and when in inventory.

Java model is used to specify a custom shape of the armor as rendered on the player itself. Armor 3D model becomes part of the player model, so some rules need to be followed when making a Java model for it to be rendered correctly.

  • The armor model must not touch the player model. This means e.g. for the helmet, the model can't be a box in the shape of the player's head, but needs to be a model with a true "helmet" shape so it wraps the player's head 3D cube, not intersects it. In other words, there must be no intersection between the player model and the armor model.
  • The model should face north in your modeler
  • Pivot points define how parts will rotate together with the player so pay extra attention to dial those correctly
  • Origin points of the player model are the following (you can use them as reference for your model parts)
    • Head and Body: 0, 24, 0
    • Right Arm: 5, 22, 0
    • Left Arm: -5, 22, 0
    • Right Leg: 2, 12, 0
    • Left Leg: -2, 12, 0
  • Make sure that the custom model texture does not overlap in regions of the player texture or armor texture will also be rendered on the player's model


 Settings  Value 
 Armor texture:   This is the texture of the armor you have made and imported. 
 Creative tab:   This is the creative tab which your armor items will be located under. 
 Armor equip sound:   This is for the sound that plays when you put on the armor. 
 Maximum damage value: 

 This define the number that each piece will be multiplied.

  • X * 11 for the helmet.
  • X * 16 for the chestplate.
  • X * 15 for the leggings.
  • X * 13 for the boots

 X above is where your value will be. Vanilla armor values can be seen below.

 Material   Value 
 Leather:   X = 5 
 Iron:   X = 15 
 Chain:   X = 15 
 Gold:   X = 7
 Diamond:   X = 33 
 Netherite:   X = 37


 Damage values:

 Define the damage value for each piece of the armor. 
 This parameter defines how much damages each piece takes when the player is hurt. 

 Material   Helmet   Chestplate   Leggings   Boots 
 Leather:   1   3   2   1 
 Iron:   2   6   5   2 
 Chain:   2   5   4   1 
 Gold:   2   5   3   1 
 Diamond:   3   8   6   3 
 Netherite:   3   8   6   3 
 Turtle Shell:   2  ~   ~   ~ 

The enchantability is how common rare enchantments can be enchanted on this tool. The higher the enchantability, the better enchantments you will get when enchanting the tool.

   Tools:     Armor:     Other:
  • Wooden tools: 15
  • Stone tools: 5
  • Iron tools: 14
  • Gold tools: 22
  • Diamond tools: 10
  • Netherite armor: 15
  • Leather armor: 15
  • Chainmail armor: 12
  • Iron armor: 9
  • Gold armor: 25
  • Diamond armor: 10
  • Netherite armor: 15
  • Turtle Shell: 9
  • Books: 1

 Toughness is a value that will increase the protection of the armor.

 The diamond armor has a toughness of 2.0 (for a total of 8.0)
 and the Netherite armor has a toughness of 3.0 (for a total of 12.0).


 How much knockback resistance the armor has.

  • Default is 0.0
  • Netherite is 0.1
 Repair items:   Repair items are items used to repair the armor inside the anvil.


  • Then, click on ”Next page"


  • On this page, you can add a procedure for each piece of your armor.
  • When you have finished, click on ”Save element”

Armor in procedures

This section covers some useful tips when working with armor in the procedure editor.

Using armor slot IDs

The chart below chart shows how to use the armor slot IDs in your procedures. Most procedure blocks that have to do with armor slots will use these values.

It is possible to test if an entire set of armor is being used by using the "Get item from armor slot [0] if [evebt/target entity]" procedure block. It is possible to do this using the AND logic operator to test if all slots consist of specific items like iron armor. It is also possible to require only one piece of armor in that same set if you change the logic operation to the OR setting.

Armor piece Armor slot id
Boots 0
Leggings 1
Chestplate 2
Helmet 3

Video tutorial

If you prefer to watch the video, you can find the wiki page above summarized in a video:

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