How to Make a Potion Effect


What are Potions

Potions give to the player a custom effect limited in the time like the speed, poison, or instant like the instant damage or instant health. There are two parts to making a custom potion. The potion effect is one mod element that controls the effect of the potion. The other one is a potion item which adds a potion item to the game.

Potion Effect Element

Potion Effect Settings

Setting Name  Description 
 Potion effect display name   This name will display when the player has the effect. 
 Potion effect icon   This is the icon that is shown when the player has the effect. 
 Is this potion effect instantly applied?   When this is checked the potion will be applied instantly. 
 Is this potion effect bad for the player?   When this is checked the lore text will look like a bad potion. 
 Is this potion effect good for the player?   When this is checked the lore text will look like a good potion. 
 Render active potion effect status in inventory:   This will display the potion time, icon, and name of the effect. 
 Render active potion effect status in HUD:   This will render the potion icon on the players screen. 
 Potion effect color:   This controls the particle and potion item color. 

Potion Effect Triggers

Trigger Name  Description 
 When effect started/applied   When the effect is applied this trigger will run. 
 When effect expires   When the effect finishes, this trigger will run. 
 Active tick condition   This condition controls when then active tick procedure should run. 
 On effect active tick    This will run every tick the effect is applied to the entity unless stated not to with the condition. 

Potion Item Element

Potion Names

Setting Name  Description 
 Name of the potion bottle   This is the name given to the regular potion bottle. 
 Name of the splash potion   This is the name given to the splash potion bottle. 
 Name of the lingering potion   This is the name given to the lingering potion bottle. 
 Name of the arrow   This is the name given to the potion arrow.  

Effect Entry Settings

Setting Name  Description 
 Effect:   This will apply the effect when the potion is used.  
 Duration:   This is how long the potion will last in ticks (20 ticks per second). 
 Amplifier:   This controls the toxicity of the potion (health I, heath II) 0 is level 1. 
 Show particles?   If this box is checked then particles will show when the entity uses the potion.  
 Ambient?   This defines the effect as ambient.

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