Mossy Sea Lanterns

Published by Magi79 on
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In development
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I was missing a mossy sea lantern... So I made it. Nothing more needs to be said.

I might update this in the future depending on my sea lantern building needs.

Anyway the description can't be shorter than 350 characters so I'll just channel my inner essay writer and write here until it's enough characters...

So, storytime: I made this mod for my modpack because I'm playing with the "Create" mod and I wanted to make a block that fit exactly what I needed for the overgrown bunker I was making. I am also using the Astral sorcery mod so later today im gonna make a little mountain to hide my fast travel star gateway I made. 

Minecraft mod files
Mossy_sea_lanterns.jar Uploaded on: 06/11/2022 - 09:34   File size: 15.59 KB