Alex's Armoury

Published by Jamesb013 on
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Academic Free License v3.0
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Alex's Armoury is a vanilla+ themed weapon expansion mod meant to increase the amount of playstyles for the player to choose from. All with unique mechanics and abilities, this mod is meant to be the spiritual child of the alluded "Combat Update" that Minecraft hasnt recieved yet. Don't think I forgot about the base games weapons.. Currently all melee weapons have recieved a fresh coat of paint! Nothing to take away from their current greatness but only small additions to keep them on par with what this mod adds and what will be added in the future.


How this mod works is when you re-enter your world with the mod installed, all the base game weapons will have abilities as well as tooltips provided on what they do. If you have any villagers near you, you can find a weaponsmith (you'll have to level up a new villager if your weaponsmiths skills are already maxed out). Then trade with them as you would until you recieve a weapon pattern. After you trade for the pattern you can right click on the pattern to show its recipe. You'll have to decipher what Alex was sketching to craft the weapon. Then you'll want to go ahead and craft yourself an armourers table. Once you have a pattern and the armourers table then you can try to craft the weapon provided. There are currently 8 new weapons you can get patterns for by trading. 


You'll also want to craft some of the new materials included in the mod. These will be essential for crafting the new weapons once you have determined the weapon patterns recipe. Get your hands on some crimson fungus to craft a Bottle o' Fury while your at it too. Brew that with some awkward potions and it will definitely up your PVE / PVP game as well!

NOTE: This page is not being updated regularly. If you wish to keep up with info on this mod/ weapon recipes / updates / etc. please visit this mods curseforge page. Thank you! :)

Minecraft mod files
Alexs Armoury v1.0.0-1.19.2.jar - Initial Release - The mod will maintained and updated on curseforge.- Uploaded on: 12/18/2022 - 14:53   File size: 806.32 KB
Alexs Armoury v1.1.0-1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2022 - 14:10   File size: 1.15 MB
Alexs Armoury v1.2.0-1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/24/2022 - 16:48   File size: 1.48 MB
Alexs Armoury v1.3.0-1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/29/2022 - 03:56   File size: 1.63 MB

Version 1.3.0 - Common Combat Update


 First off, I want to extend a personal thank you to everyone who is enjoying the mod! Please reach out to me with feedback if you have any, I want this mod to reach its fullest potential!


 Additions *

*Broadswords - w/ Weapon Patterns

*Battlestaffs - w/ Weapon Patterns

*Whirlwind Effect



Changes "

"Even more tag work done on the back end.

"Complete rework of Swing Fatigue, Extra Reach, etc. this should make the mod able to run on servers. If not please direct message me with info!



NOTE: Creative tabs in existing worlds may look out of order. Mcreator doesnt have support to rearrange existing worlds creative tabs unfortunately. Currently looking into this for a fix..