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Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
So, here's how this will work: If you agree with my ideas, write yes or something like that. If we get enough "yeses," the ideas will probobaly get implemented.
The ideas:
Along with adding new wood types, ore types, armor, & tool types, which all let the user create the entire pack with only a few clicks. I'd like to be able to:
Add new stone types, or versions of prexisting stones, such as baslat, soul sand, tuff, etc.
Be able to add presets: When you create tool packs, have a button saying "Add custom tool types?" You could then select Spear, dagger, scythe, etc.
Note: If you have ideas to add, comment them.
In addition to the stone types:
This will include all vanilla stone types, like stairs, slabs, walls, (etc,) and possibly a new type: The vertical slab (Possibly named Half block?)
When creating a GUI, ask "Is this a crafting bench?" If selected, then when you create a recipe, you would be able to choose your custom GUI as a recipe creator type. For example, an infusing table would be saved, then the user creates a recipe, and chooses type: Underneath Smithing, they will see Infusing. The inpu slots will be where the player places items and the output slot is the result. I feel this would be useful for those of the community (Like me,) who can't/don't like to code.
When making ranged weapons, be able to make projectiles deal nagative knockback, which will pull them towards you.
This is very nice, can it be added in a future update?
I very much doubt there would be much interest in adding something that can already be done by not being lazy.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything!
In reply to Atten007:
If you like it, give a Yes! Enough of those, and the ideas are very likely to get put in.
According to whom?
A petition is something where you have ideas, and you ask people to sign the paper (or forum, in this case,) is they agree, when you have enough, show somone in charge. If enough people want that to make a difference, you win! (usually.)
We already know this is something some users want. However, as this is just a tool to save some time, this is not a priority as it will not add new possibilities or improve an aspect of the software.
Not going to lie here, as Nerdy previously said, this can be easily achieved by not being lazy, which seems to be a difficult task for you.
Ever heard of the golden rule? Also, this topic has been abandoned for a while, that was rude AND unprecedented.
if you are going to phonetically transcripe "nice" do it right, /nais/ not /nīs/
and making a new stone type litterally makes no sense, it would only add 1 element, rendering it essentially useless.
As for the spear, dagger, and scythe, adding those would make alot more mods look copy and pasted from eachother, giving this tool a bad rep.
Again, this topic has been dead for a while, actually, can one of the Moderators delete it?