Upvotes: 4
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Supported Minecraft versions
Skart's Decorations adds over 750 blocks and a few items to the game, you can use this mod to build maps or in your survival world
- Smooth Planks, a smooth variant of planks, these are used to craft many furniture blocks
- Thick Planks, another variant for planks
- Plastic Blocks
- Planks, items that are used to craft some furniture
- 14 Types of Tables
- 18 Types of Chairs
- 12 Types of Trash Bins that can destroy items or transform them into trash blocks
- Trash blocks and bags
- 4 Storage blocks with custom GUIs
- Copper and netherite nuggets, items used to craft copper and netherite tables
- Plastic, an item used to craft plastic blocks
- English, Spanish and Korean translations (Korean only adds translations for 0.1 items)
Minecraft mod files
Skarts-Decorations-0.3.5-(1.21.1).jar - (Beta) The Latest Version for 1.21.1 [Neoforge]
Uploaded on: 08/31/2024 - 15:54 File size: 7.2 MB
Skarts-Decorations-0.3.2-(1.20.4).jar - (Beta) The Latest Version for 1.20.4 [Neoforge]
Uploaded on: 06/27/2024 - 19:26 File size: 6.78 MB
Skarts-Decorations-0.3.1-(1.20.1).jar - (Beta) The Latest Version for 1.20.1 [Forge]
Uploaded on: 02/26/2024 - 01:10 File size: 6.98 MB
Skarts Decorations 0.2.2 (1.19.4).jar - (Beta) The Latest Version for 1.19.4 [Forge]
Uploaded on: 08/19/2023 - 01:52 File size: 3.94 MB
Skarts Decorations 0.2.1 (1.19.2).jar - (Beta) The Latest Version for 1.19.2 [Forge]
Uploaded on: 08/17/2023 - 15:36 File size: 3.93 MB
Skart's Decorations 0.3.5:
- Almost every recipe got removed in the last version
Skart's Decorations 0.3.4:
Updated to 1.21.1
Skart's Decorations 0.3.3:
Updated to 1.20.6
- Fixed the order of some items in the creative inventory
- Fixed orange_dumpster_dyed, birch_drawer and crimson_dresser recipes
- Moved fences and walls to the misc tab in the recipe book
Moved fence gates to the redstone tab in the recipe book
Skart's Decorations 0.3.2:
Ported from Forge to Neoforge
Updated to 1.20.4
- Added missing items in tags
- Fixed the magenta wheelie bin recipe
- Optimized the dumpster code
- Other small bugfixes
Skart's Decorations 0.3.1:
- Retextured outdoor bins
- Dumpsters now have a custom hitbox
- Korean translation has been fixed
- Wheelie Bins could not be crafted
- Trash Bags were dark when placed
- Optimized the Trash Bag model
- Wall Bins had the "wall_post_override" tag, which was not intended to stay as it was for testing purposes
Skart's Decorations 0.3:
- Urban Bins
- Plastic Bins
- Small Plastic Bins
- Step Bins
- Small Step Bins
- Swing Lid Bins
- Wooden Outdoor Bins
- Plastic Outdoor Bins
- Metal Outdoor Bins
- Wheelie Bins
- Wall Bins
- Dumpsters
- Trash Bags
- Trash Blocks
- Debris Table and Chair
- Tweaked the color palette of some plastic blocks
- Rearranged the creative inventory to match the 1.20 creative inventory order
- Plastic is now made by putting coal in a campfire
- Oxidized copper furniture continued "oxidizing" when it shouldn't
- Light blue glass table had the lime glass texture
- Bamboo, crimson, warped furniture and orange concrete/glass tables had the wrong color on the map
- Other small bugfixes
Skart's Decorations 0.2.3:
Updated to 1.20.1
- Cherry and Bamboo furniture, bamboo furniture has custom models/textures
- Beach Chairs
- Changed seat entities
- Some names were incorrect in the korean translation
Skart's Decorations 0.2.2:
Updated to 1.19.4
- Added all recipes to their respective category in the recipe book
- Optimized some block models
- Made some little tweaks to the seat entity
- Metal Tables were in the same category as Metal Chairs in the Recipe Book
- Mushroom Tables weren't in the same category in the Recipe Book
Skart's Decorations 0.2.1:
- Changed the textures/models of the following blocks: Basic Tables, Trunk Tables, Plastic Tables, Basic Chairs, Metal Chairs, Drawers and Cabinets
- Changed the ID of "The Chair" achievement
- -Copper chairs reset their rotation when interacting with them
- -Some crimso,/warped wood blocks had the incorrect sound
- -Fixed some other small bugs
Skart's Decorations 0.2:
- Thick Planks
- Plastic
- Plastic Blocks
- Basic Chairs
- Simple Chairs
- Outdoor Chairs
- Benches
- Metal Chairs
- Concrete Chairs
- Plastic Chairs
- Folding Chairs
- Office Chairs
- Gaming Chairs
- Couches
- Beanbags
- Stools
- Log Stools
- Tall Stools
- Colored Stools
- Tall Colored Stools
- Added a Korean translation (Only has blocks from 0.1 translated)
- Changed the textures/models of the following blocks: Dressers, Bedside tables, Cabinets, Drawers, Mushroom tables and smooth planks
- Smooth planks are now thick planks
- Fixed some small bugs
Skart's Decorations 0.1.1:
- Changed the ID of smooth plank blocks
- Changed the order of some items in the creative inventory
- Some spanish translations were missing
Skart's Decorations 0.1:
- Smooth Planks
- Planks
- Copper and Netherite Nuggets
- Basic Tables
- Simple Tables
- Coffee Tables
- Bedside Tables
- Dressers
- Outdoor Tables
- Trunk Tables
- Concrete Tables
- Glass Tables
- Wood Glass Tables
- Metal Tables
- Mushroom Tables
- Drawers
- Cabinets
awesome, deserves MOTW