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Magic Shards adds 12 shards (so far) and they all have abilities activated when right clicked. Also the crystals are not consumed after use.
Lightning, summons lightning around you.
Explosions, shoots a fireball into the direction you are looking
Combat, gives you 4 potion effects great for pvp.
Dragon, shoots a dragon fireball.
Wither, shoots a wither skull just like the wither.
Jet, gives you speed 2 and jump boost 2.
Healing, gives you regeneration for 10 seconds.
Levitation, gives you levitation for 3 seconds and slow falling for 6 seconds.
Invisibility, gives you invisibility for 60 seconds.
Dolphins Grace, gives you dolphins grace and water breathing for 60 seconds.
Stealth, teleports the user up to 20 blocks away and summons a smoke cloud at the user.
Companionship, summons a horse with a saddle.
More will probably be added in the future, so if you have any ideas for shards, feel free to send me a message on discord. Discord= Fuming#0014