New Swords

Published by Milad on
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Amethyst Sword

Blaze Rod Sword

Book Sword

Coal Sword

Copper Sword

Egg Sword

Emerald Sword

Lapis Lazuli Sword

Leather Sword

Magma Cream Sword

Quartz Sword

Redstone Sword

Slime Sword

Snowball Sword

Sugar Sword

TNT Sword

2 New Advancements

Some Swords also have a ability:

Blaze Rod Sword - Sets Enemys on fire for 8 seconds (Does Not stack with Fire Aspect 2)

Egg Sword - If used hatches a chicken and gives the enemy nausea for 3 seconds

Magma Cream Sword - Sets Enemy on Fire and gives the enemy Slowness 3 for 2 seconds

Slime Sword - Gives the enemy Slowness 3 for 2 seconds

Snowball Sword - Gives the enemy Slowness 5 for 2 seconds

Sugar Sword - Gives the enemy Nausea and Hunger for 3 seconds

TNT Sword - Everytime a Enemy gets hit a small explosion will happen

Minecraft mod files
V.1.0.3.jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2023 - 15:05   File size: 76.1 KB

Fixed a bug that allowed you to enchant the Egg Sword with Unbreaking 3 preventing it from breaking on the first hit.

Removed the Sword breaking sound for the Egg Sword and replaced it with the Turtle Egg cracking sound.