Add ability to create Underground Biomes

Issue description

Add the ability to create custom Underground Biomes

For this add the following

- ability to choose main filler block for underground biomes (blocks like rock, stone etc.)
- ability to set amount of vanilla and custom ore generation (amount of diamonds, gold, iron, coal etc)
- ability to set amount of cave generation underground
- ability to set amount of water / lava generation underground
- ability to set amount of underground structures that spawn (mineshafts, mushrooms, etc)
- ability to choose secondary filler blocks and amount of secondary filler blocks (dirt, gravel, etc.)
- ability to generate custom structures underground from templates.

Issue comments

Minecraft does not have any mechanic to define underground biomes by default. This means we would need to write a new concept of world generation system for Minecraft and ship it with mods that used underground biomes. This is out of scope of MCreator for now.

Could make in 2.x.x, but as I said this is seriously out of scope, unless forge developers provide a public api for something like this.

Also Klemster how easy is it to change and replace vanilla blocks with custom ones, i want to replace stone with more realistic types of rocks and have the custom rock that replaces stone be diffrent types of rock in each vanilla biome.

Make a new block, set it to spawn as ore and select which block to replace.

To actually replace all blocks with another one, I don't think there is any way to do this.

I don't think you want the ore to be able to replace all blocks as this would mess the world quite badly and possibly make it crash while generating.

No i mean, not for ores only, I mean for everything, like procedures, to check if there is ANY block at a certain coord, or ANY BLOCKS which is not air

You can do this, just use Is air at x,y,z procedure block and place not block from Logic and loops before it so you check it a block at x,y,z is not air.

you can make special types of stones spawn in certain biomes(like having a froststone and making it spawn only in cold biomes like snowy taiga or ice spikes)


hope this works:)

"1.16 has 3D biome scanning will this be added for 1.16 version of Mcreator?" 

Yes but this is in the nether, and might not be supported yet for the overworld and end..