Test for entity location procedure block

Issue description

I have noticed there is not a procedure block that tests for entities at relative location, I can see a procedure block such as this could be used for multiple types of things from killing any entity in a set location from a set block to applying potion effects to an entity if they are withing range of an event. For example the block would look something like below.

Test for entity at x: [X] y: [Y] z: [Z]

That way we can attach it to if statement conditions. Minecraft used to have a /testfor command but it was removed in 1.13 so you may be able to learn how to test for entities from for post 1.13 version via by Dragnoz command block tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJTtuWoT_3M it may speed up the time to develop the procedure block.

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