Adjust bounding box to block offset

Issue description

This option would move the bounding box of a block to match its offset type. Example code (not tested in 1.14)

public VoxelShape getShape(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, ISelectionContext context) {
	Vec3d vec3d = state.getOffset(world, pos);
	return VoxelShapes.create(0.25D, 0D, 0.25D, 0.75D, 0.563D, 0.75D).withOffset(vec3d.x, vec3d.y, vec3d.z);


Issue comments

Should this even be a togglable option or should bounding box just simply always adapt to the offset?

Should this even be a togglable option or should bounding box just simply always adapt to the offset?

In my opinion, it should be by default because I don't really see why users would have a boudning that isn't adjusted to their block/plant, but you can always add the option (but activated by default).

I try to avoid options that do not make sense (to avoid additional clutter of options), hence I asked ;)

Based on the feedback, this can then be considered a bug. Changing ticket type to reflect this.

This will be fixed in 2020.5. Closing the ticket.

  • [Bugfix #60983] Custom block bounding boxes did not adjust properly to the block offset setting