Third party tools, plugins and other utilities for MCreator


All tools, plugins, software, extensions, external websites listed below are unofficial and not developed nor supported by Pylo. These tools come with their own terms and licenses. Use them at your own risk. We don't hold any liability for items listed below.

Purpose of this page

On this page, you can find a list of tools, plugins, software, extensions, external websites and other related items that were made by the community to enhance the MCreator experience. If you have a tool you would like to have listed here, you can open a support ticket and request to be added here or ask one of the wiki contributors on the website to list your tool here.

The list

  • MoreCube Website, MoreCube Forum Topic - A tool that adds an option to quickly add armor recipes for all pieces, adds ore dictionary support and more. It has its own issue tracker too.
  • Database of procedure template examples - This website/Wiki is set up so we can post our PTPL so you have a place to reflect on them, all PTPL will be tested in there given versions and each PTPL page will show you which versions it's been tested in.
  • You can request for your tool to be listed here too

Donate to MCreator

By donating to developers you can speed up development, as with more resources, we can dedicate more time to MCreator. It is a free project made by developers working on it in their free time.