
Upvotes: 20
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This is my TerrariaCore Mod! The remake of my old mod, this mod adds 2000+ elements, 3D models like king slime, structures like the bee hive or marble mini biome etc.

HotFix Update! 1.0.1

Fixes World Generation and other issues.

HotFix Update! 1.0.2! Yeah,another xD

+Added Magic Mirror (Obtainable only in Iron Crates)

:Fixed Bloody Spine Recipe (In 1.0.1 not obtainable) same as guide voodo doll.

:Added Recipe for Mana

:Fixed Iron Sword Durability

:Skeletron Dungeon Spawn Rate is Reduced

:Crystal Cave Spawn Rate increased

Hope you enjoy, here are some tips:

Install biome tweaker and Just Enough Items.

DON'T Stay for night too long


  • Sir_Cookie98 {Models from Mobs}
  • Loitr_de _feur {Some Block and Mob Models}
  • YoshiMoshi [Lihzahrd Texture}
  • Loic_MaitreDuFeu (Awesome SLIME, King slime, extractinator models


Would be cool if someone made a Mod Spotlight


    for these spawn items (copper shortsword etc.)




  • Dirt,Grass,Corrupted Grass,Crismon Grass,Hallowed Grass,Mud,Jungle Grass and Mushroom Grass

  • Ice,Corrupted Ice,Crimson Ice,Hallowed Ice,Snow,Sand, Sandstone,Ebonsand,Crimsand,Hallowed Sand,Ebon Sandstone,Crimson Sandstone,Hallowed Sandstone,Hardened Sand,Ebon Hardened Sand,Crimson Hardened Sand,Hallowed Hardened Sand and Glass

  •   Log and Wood ,Ebon Log and Ebonwood,Crim Log and Shadewood,Hallowed Log and Pearlwood,Mahogany Log and Mahoganywood, Boreal Log and Borealwood and Palm Log and Palmwood

  • Stone,Ebonstone,Crimsone,Pearlstone

  • Ash,Silt,Slush,Clay,Marble,Granite,Smooth Marble,Smooth Granite,Desert Fossil,Study Fossil,Slime Block,Pink & Frozen Slime Block,Hive,Honey Block,Glass,Crispy Honey Block,Crystal Block,All Gemspark Blocks,All Ores and Bricks.

  • Torch,Coralstone,Fishing Tank(Normal,Corruption,Crimson,Hallow,Jungle,Mushroom,Dungeon)

  • Table,Chair,Pot, Heart Crystal,Demon Altar,Workbench,Furnace,Iron & Lead Anvil ,Some Statues(Heart,Mana and Slime functional),Hellforge,Mythril & Orichalcum Anvil, Adamantite & Titanium Forge,Shadow Orb,Campfire,Chest,Golden Chest,Shadow Chest,Solidifier,Extractinator,Crimson Heart,Crimson Altar,Crystal Ball,Lizhard Altar,Lizhard Spikes,Cobweb,(Sunplate Block,Cloud and Rainy Cloud and Lizhard Door not here in the Picture)

Plattforms & NPC's


  • All Plattforms,

  • The Guide,Angler,Merchant,Wizard,Arms Dealer 



  • Green Slime,Blue/Spiked Slime,Pinky,Corrupt/Crim/Illuminant Slime,Jungle/Spiked Slime,Lava Slime,Umbrella Slime,Pinky,Sand Slime,Ice/Spiked Slime,Gray/Yellow/Red/Black Slimes,Mother Slime,Demon Eye,Zombie,Skeleton,Blood Crawler,Face Monster,Mimic,Ice Mimic,Snail,Eater of Souls,Lizhard,Pixie,Blue Jellyfish,Possesed Armor,Old man and Slime Zombie.

Bosses and Loot



  • Eye/Brain of Cthulhu(Brain with Creeper),King Slime(With Blue and Blue Spiked Slimes),Eater of Worlds,Skeletron,Wall of Flesh,Twins,Skeletron Prime,Destroyer(with probes),plantera and Golem.

  • All Masks,Trophys,Treasure Bags,Expert Exclusive etc.



  • Floating Island/Lake

  • Granite/Marble Mini Biome

  • Glowing Mushroom/Spider Nest

  • Bee Hive and Lizhard Temple

  • Skeletron Dungeon

  • All Cave Houses/Sand,Ice and Normal/

  • Jungle Shrines

  • Crystal Cave,Crimson Cave,Corruption Cave

Items,Weapons,Armor and Tools


  • All Items in the Mod(too lazy to count all herelol)

  • Sry,i did not maked the Wings on the Armor Stands :(

Minecraft mod files
TerrariaCore_1.0.0_1.12.2_0.jar Uploaded on: 06/19/2019 - 15:51   File size: 20.31 MB
TerraCore1.0.1(1.12.2).jar Uploaded on: 07/09/2019 - 16:03   File size: 7.3 MB
TerraCore1.0.2(1.12.2).jar Uploaded on: 07/10/2019 - 12:37   File size: 7.34 MB

Added First Release, over 2000+ mod elements.


Hotfix 1

-Fixed World Generation and other Things

-Increased Skeletron Dungeon Spawnrate

Hotfix 2

HotFix Update! 1.0.2! Yeah,another xD

+Added Magic Mirror (Obtainable only in Iron Crates)

:Fixed Bloody Spine Recipe (In 1.0.1 not obtainable) same as guide voodo doll.

:Added Recipe for Mana

:Fixed Iron Sword Durability

:Skeletron Dungeon Spawn Rate is Reduced

:Crystal Cave Spawn Rate increased


wheres duke fishron, queen slime, empress of light, lunatic cultist and moon lord,
also your mob textures could be improved for example most bosses models are zombie btw the blocks look great,
i'd like if you added calamity, thorium, spectra, ultranium, spirit, split, enigma, shadows of abbadon, elements awoken and ancients awakening content to the mod

Amazing mod! Question: How did you make the clay pots drop random stuff?

a lil' thing, TerraCore needs forge 2768, and JEI a minimum of 2816. Sooo...

Hey, don’t want to blame y’a, but you used the models of @ZeithTheWolf (curseforge) so j’en just wan’t To talk a bit with u on discord « Zeith The Wolf#0001 »

Hey! Sorry for the " waiting time ", I was kind of " Dead " for all this time and didn't work on MCreator alot. I kept the QB model somewhere in my folders, might give it soon. Have a nice day ^^