Biomes in the Nether and the End

Published by CaponeN on
Won't fix
Issue description

I am making an update to a mod and I want to make a biome in the Nether, but i can't. I just wish there was a way to make boimes spawn in other dimensions. Here's how it works, you can select a dimension, like the nether but there won't be an option to have lakes or reeds or base height / variation. For the End, all the options stay the same.

Issue comments

At current versions, this is not possible in code without rewriting world gens, which is out of our scope right now.

At current versions, this is not possible in code without rewriting world gens, which is out of our scope right now.

We will see in 1.16 how it will go.

When 1.16 comes out and you could add a feature for Nether Biomes (maybe) will End Biomes come with it or is it completely different?