Mo' Awesome Ores N' Tools! Mod

Published by MasKox on
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Mo' Awesome Ores N' Tools - V1.0 for Minecraft 1.14.4


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Welcome! As you can see in the title, This Mod adds new features in the game like ores, armor, tools, bricks and more building blocks!

So this mod adds 3 new ores, Fluorite, Tungsten and Lonsladeite. The last one is the most rare and hardest one.

Tungsten is a new ore with a rare chance to be found and can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe, making tungsten tools better than diamond tools. With a durabillity of 2,200 each tool.

Lonsdaleite is the most strongest material in the mod, it can only be found in Meteors, a new structure placed underground, like spawners. The Lonsdaleite ore can only be mined with a tungsten pickaxe, and each tool has to be crafted with blaze rods instead of sticks. With a durabillity of 3,500 each tool.

Fluorite can be found in the overworld too, but it has a different use. You can't craft tools or armor with Fluorite, the utility of this material is being useful as furnace fuel and building blocks such as bricks and pillars. Also, you can craft an enchanted fluorite apple with fluorite blocks. Which effects will give you? find out for yourself!

There is also burnt stone! a new material that you can find in caves like diorite, andesite and granite. With burnt stone you can craft a darker variant of the original stone bricks. this mod is just released, so we'll be adding new stuff soon.


And thats not all, this mod also includes Emerald armor and tools! which are harder than iron tools, but less harder than diamond.


With all of this said, the conclusion is ''Lonsdaleite>Tungsten>Diamond>Emerald>Iron''


How to install this mod:

- Go to the official Forge website and download the last 1.14.4 forge version.

- Download the mod

- Open %AppData% (Pressing Windows+R or Typing it in your searchbar)

- Go to .minecraft, then go to the mods folder and Drag it there

- Open your minecraft launcher in forge 1.14.4 version

- Enjoy :)


* This mod is still in beta phase, any bug or complain leave it in the comments *

Minecraft mod files
MoAwesomeOresNTools-1.14.4.jar - Download the mod Uploaded on: 01/18/2020 - 02:41   File size: 239.5 KB

Add things like lava items. I think you should make a sword that needs 2 lava buckets and a blaze rod to craft.