Like you said me in this forum, I post
I was checking something in the code of one of my biome when I saw there was many biome features there weren't used. So can you add at least some of them please? Because i think that biomes would be really better and beautiful. Here is a list of some interesting features (There are surely others I don't put).
- Bamboo
- All coral types
- Decorated Flowers (I think these are other flowers of one block of height.)
- Double Plants
- Fossils
- Icebergs
- Kelp
- Melon
- Pumkin
- Sea Grass
- Sea Pickles
- Snow piles ?
- Sweet Berries Bush
I don't know if they all work correctly, but these are some really interesting biome feature unused.
Edit: I search a little bit, and I find a ticket you have putted as Fixed, but I don't know if my suggestion is related with this ticket. https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/41573
Issue comments
For more features, check the code of BYG. he use a lot of biome features. https://github.com/Voronoiii/BYG/tree/1.15.2_Master/src/main/java/voron…
Some code examples for users needing this quickly: https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/63556
I found some code for village generation too. Using the jigsaw blocks. Not sure how useful this would be but here ya go
Migrated to https://github.com/MCreator/MCreator/issues/26
This one was closed because it was a feature list of unrelated requests. I will consider adding more options for biome features.