When entity jumped global trigger

Issue description

I would like a new procedure that see if an entity is jumping because there is the same thing with sprinting and sneaking so why not jumping?

Issue comments

You can not detect if the entity is jumping at a given time, but there is a global trigger that triggers when an entity jumps.

I will consider adding this trigger instead.

Event for this is LivingJumpEvent for programmers :)

Fantastic addition, Klemen.

Do you know if this will trigger if the player is riding an entity? So we could, i.e., implement a procedure for a "rideable frog" to do something when the player "jumps" while riding it?

I've done that with custom keybinds already, but using the spacebar would be great and intuitive.

Hi, I know this is from a long time ago, but would be possible to add another global procedure trigger for when a player lands on a block? Instead of triggering when the jump starts, doing so when it touches the ground (having previously jumped or not)