Introducing a new way to repair your equipment with experience points and jewels. You can repair enchanted equipment, and both vanilla, and modded equipment.. With the A.E.R.S. you simply put the item to be repaired in the repair slot, and the gem in the other slot. The gem slot can take a small variety of items including emeralds, lapis lazuli and experience tokens you can get by having more that one experience level and click the "Store XP" button. You can eat the experience token to regain the XP.
You can craft your A.E.R.S using the recipe below, 1 red-stone block, 4 emeralds, and 4 stone blocks.
You need at least an iron pickaxe to pick up and move your A.E.R.S..
The new and improved top of the block was made with the help from fellow member ChainmailPickaxe, thank you :)!
added new top for aers block
Hey! I featured your mod in a showcase video! https://youtu.be/vGd41TaCfwg