Coti's Mod v2

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this is a mod made by a braziliam youtuber, the creeper marrom. his dog name is coti, so, creeper marrom created this mod for him. he is a good boy
and I am creeper marrom =D
I Created this mod just for fun, enjoy it.
If you see any bug, report for me, I will try to solve this problem =)
I want to give credits to Guto010 and FaKing001 (my 2 Fryend) who tested the mod with me.
The Coti Have a pig model because I coudn't get the wolf model, if you know how to put the dog model on coti, I can make this mod better

I suggest you use this mod together with mine, to know the craftings


Coti Ore
Found Between the layer 4 and 15
Used to craft coti Itens, The Cotigun and coti Blocks
There is a dimension created with CotiBlocks In the same way as the nether portal
There you will found Coti, Coti Tree and coti flowers.
You will found too CreeperM Blocks, that you can Put in the founace to create the empty Bar 

Empty Bar
Used to create creeperM Bars
With CreeperM Bars you can create CreeperM Items, like the armor, the tools, the marrom cellphone and the blocks
With the blocks you can create another portal to the Marrom Dimension.


Toilet Paper
Can be crafted with 2 papers and a coti log
Recovers 100% of your hungry and you eats fast

Can be crafted with dirt blocks in the fournace
Recovers 8 points of your hungry bar and you eat fast, but not as fast as toilet paper
You use this as ammo for the cotigun


The same 

Used as ammo for the marrom cellphone
Created with coti dirts Marrom bars and Coti ores


Portal is created with coti blocks and its activated with a mistic ration, there you can get CreeperM Blocks, coti(creature), Coti Flowers(Fournace Item), And Coti Log.

Portal is Created with marrom Blocks and its activated with a Pc, There you can get a lot of Coti Ores and oak wood

You can see the crafting on this link ;)

The tools of this mod is very op, so if you don't like to be too much op, don't download this mod
But if you like, you will love this mod. i pretend to create more things to this mod, like a boss

I will try to create a wiki for this mod, so you can see the crafting and other things

Have a nice day

Minecraft mod files
Coti'sMod_1.15.2_1.0.1.jar Uploaded on: 09/21/2020 - 23:05   File size: 888.23 KB


Add Coti Seeds to Plant Coti Flowers

Thanks for recognition, call whenever you need