This mod is unfinished:
There are some small issues with this mod, somtimes it doesnt update to phase 7 image, When you remove the top block it doesnt remove the whole machine.
This will be fixed later. This is only beta. i want to see what people think about it.
This is a vending machine that adds a 2 block vending machine.
This machine add raw beef to the vending machine via the eather.
The meat will update in the machine every 1000 ticks untill it is full
you can right click on the machine and get meat, until the machine is empty. where it will fill again.
hardness: 5
Resistance: 25
Material: Iron
Sound on step: Metal
Item Drop: Vending Machine
Luminance: 14
W.I.P: Pork vending machine will keep you updated.
Bug: When beef updates in the vending machine it stops on the 7 meat - working on this issue.
Update: I have change the image on the side of the vending machine to reflect the item coming out of the machine.
it now shows a cow :D
thanks bubba, this mod took some time to do because of the 2 blocks that needed to be updated lol