Industrial Age

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Industrial Age is a tech mod heavily inspired by IC2, it contains machines that can help you automate your normal vanilla playtrough




The grinder is used for ore doubeling, the recipe's are:

  iron ore (1) -> ground iron (2)

  gold ore (1) -> ground gold (2)

  copper ore (1) -> ground copper (2)

  uranium ore (1) -> ground uranium (2)

  coal (1) -> coal dust (2)

  example: Copper ore to ground copper


Powered Furnace:

The powered furnace works exactly like a normal furnace but uses power instead of fuel, recipes are the same as a normal furnace

  example: ground iron getting smelted into iron



The Extractor is used to get a bit more Tree sap from saplings, the recipe's are:

 sapling of any kind (1) -> tree sap (3)

 example: sapling to tree sap


Plate Former:

The plate former is used to create plates from ingots without using the hammer, the recipe's are: 

 iron ingot (1) -> iron plate (1)

 steel ingot (1) -> steel plate (1)

 copper ingot (1) -> copper plate (1)

 compressed ingot (1) -> reinforced plate (1)

 example: compressed ingot to reinforced plate


Canning Machine:

The canning machine is used to put solids into a canister, the recipe's are:

 Uranium (1) -> Uranium fuel (1)

 example: solid at the top and canister at the bottom



The charger is used to charge ingots and other matter, the recipe's are:

 Steel ingot (1) -> Charged steel ingot (1)

 example: steel being turned into charged steel



The miner mines straight down and outputs at the top, it needs an iron pickaxe and mining pipes to work

 example: miner interface



All generators output on the bottom



 The generator uses coal to output power, it outputs power on the bottom


Solar panel:

 The solar panel outputs the least amount of power and needs to see the sun to generate power, it outpusts power on the bottom


Nuclear generator;

 The nuclear generator uses nuclear fuel to generate power, you can also put raw uranium in it but it will generate less power.

 The nuclear generator outputs on the bottom

0 = uranium fuel

1 = heat vent  


                 1  0   1


 example: nuclear generator interface


All the normal crafting recipe's can be found in JEI


More updates are coming, feel free to leave some ideas in the comments


Have fun :)

Minecraft mod files
IndustrialAge 1.0.1 1.15.2.jar - first version Uploaded on: 03/06/2021 - 17:41   File size: 873.39 KB
IndustrialAge 1.0.2 1.15.2.jar - automation! Uploaded on: 03/06/2021 - 17:57   File size: 873.54 KB

1.0.2: restricted intake of hoppers to only the output slots of machines, automation is now posibble

Hey) Can u help me?)
So, have you made a hevea tree that makes rubber? Could you help me with how to spawn rubber on it?

the solar panel outputs on the botom so you cn for example but an energy storage block under the solar panel and put a grinder next to the energy storage or wireit out of the energy storage with one of the cables

automation update comming as fast as possible, i just found out i can specify what slots hoppes can input/output in

i don't know why the images aren't working, i'l have to fix that in a later version