this is my most enthusiastic project. I want this mod to have a fair amount of quality and update it pretty frequently. i'll do my best :)
my goal is to make a mod with a lot of custom 3D armors, blocks and tools/weapons and of course structures aswell.
armor ---------------------------------------------------------------
- woodlife armor
- royal armor: iron, gold, diamond and netherite
- heavy bone armor: iron and gold
- death armor: normal and netherite variant
- forgotten helmet
- flowercrystal armor
if you dont know how to use the "armor modification table" version 2.0
just in case picture doesn't work:
to upgrade the death armor in the armor modification tabe you have to put redstone in the slot to the left and then netherite ingot then the armor piece you want to upgrade and then a gold ingot
royal iron armor is just iron armor in the middle and iron ingots in left an right slot - you will also need redstone for this one
upgradeing heavy bone armor is the same as iron just with gold ingots instead of iron - you will also need redstone for this one
items ---------------------------------------------------------------
- flowercrystal tools and sword
- death tools and sword
- keys for the bugged treshure chests
- treshurebag
- deathstone - and ingot
- flowercrystal - and shard
- mace (in stone, iron, gold and diamond)
important blocks (fixed) -----------------------------------------
- deathstone ore
- smooth deathstone
- flowercrystal block
- flowercrystal ore
- armor upgradeing table - used for makeing some items
- candles normal/death variant
- treasure chests - common - uncommon - rare - epic - legendary
current bugs that i am aware of and will fix--------------------------------------------------
- mobs makeing me unable to export blocks - so i removed all 3 mobs
- some names for items is messed up in version 1.0
thx for checking out my mod! have fun!
update 2.0 :
- the mod is still in develpoment but it's not a beta anymore
- added all the missing blocks!!!
- removed the 3 mobs because of the bug :(
- a little more balance
- added more loot for chests and the lootbag
- added the xp chest
beta update 1.1 :
- fixed the messed up textures
- fixed wrong item names
- added a new mob - gronklem (cant see it because of the bug)
- new creative tab - mobs
- added the item texture for royal netherite
beta update 1 :
- fixed death netherite boots' item texture --- made it darker and less brown
- added the "mace" in stone, iron, gold and diamond
- added the dagger in wood, stone, iron, gold and diamond
- added more creative tabs
- a logo for the mod ;D
wanted to do more in this update but if i feel for it i will update the mod again ;-)
also sorry for the messed up textures - will fix that in next update!!!
Pretty cool mod