The global addition is a mod thanks to which you will be able to play and develop with a more interesting and functional survival. The difference between a mod and others is that it will have everything you want.
Addition to the netherite
With this addition, you will unlock about 9 types of netherite armor with new effects and models!
Bone Equipment
The mod also complements armor and tools made of ordinary, frozen and dried bones. They will give certain effects!
Addition to illagers and villagers
Now you can get equipment from the illagers themselves. To be more precise: A new type of ingot and loot.
Lunar objects
I decided to add a fairly powerful type of items that can be obtained not in the easiest way. All of them have their own magical properties!
I think a lot of people like artifacts, don't they? That is why balanced and high-quality items will be present in this mod, giving players new abilities and powers!
wings of the void - absorb 20% of your damage. But only if you are flying on elites, or sneaking
Void Banner - Absorbs 40% of your damage under any circumstances
The Banner of the Lord of the Void - absorbs as much as 60% of your damage under any circumstances
(Also, all three types of these artifacts give full protection from desiccation)
Desiccant's broken heart - drops out when the boss of the desiccant dies
A connected desiccant heart is a broken heart that is connected by a desiccated mucus
The banner of magicians - allows the regeneration of the first level
Banner of Kings - allows you to regenerate the second level, as well as the ability to glow
Aphrodite's Banner - Gives you triple regeneration
Heart - drops from villagers with a 50% chance
Stolen lives are a connected number of hearts. Needed for crafting
Treasure Seeker Records - Drop out with a 1% chance when you mine a stone
The book of knowledge about treasures - when you press the right-click mouse, an achievement is given, thanks to which, now extracting a stone, sand or hellstone, you will drop useful items and ores with a certain chance
The banner of the shulker radiance - saves you from the effect of levitation, as well as gives you speed in the end
Compressed shulker Shield - necessary to create a shulker radiance
Obsidian Shard - drops out with a 20% chance when breaking obsidian
A fragment of basalt - also falls with a 20% chance, but with basalt
Firestone - drops out with a 1% chance when breaking a hellstone
The caught light is extracted with the help of an obsidian hand, if you "break" the fire
Fireball (mode) - gives you the ability to regenerate and protect from fire when hit by fire or lava
Silver coin - drops from aggressive mobs with a small chance
Moon Crystal - drops out with a 0,1% chance from the stone if you break it at night
Moon Quartz - Mined with a moon magic pickaxe if you broke the quartz
Ice shard - falls out when breaking ice
Emerald Crown - gives the effect of Village Head 5
Illagers crown - gives the effect of a Bad omen 5
Moon fruit can only be obtained at night if you break the chorus in the ordinary world
Totem of Higher Powers - right-clicking gives you good temporary effect bonuses
Notch's gift - when you right-click, it gives out various useful items with a certain chance. (Opens only with a key)
Also now you can create a totem of immortality with the help of crafting!
Druid Potion - The collected totem power gives you the effect of creating your own defender!
Minions Defenders
Now you can get your own minions that will protect you! There are currently 4 types of minions: zombie minion, Knight of the depths, guardian of Desiccation and Moon Huntress. In turn, each of them is stronger than each other in health and damage.
A certain scepter is needed to summon them. There are 4 of them in total
(Their craft is not cheap. Everyone needs a star of nether)
In order to summon a defender, you need to drink a druid potion, and have a creation star in your spare hand (it can be knocked out of the Notch gift), and then by right-clicking you will create a minion!
To improve the minions, you need a moon improvement coin. By hitting a mob with it, you will improve it to the next level, and it will become stronger
Also, after their summoning, you need to tame: zombie minion - rotten flesh, knight of the depths - shells, desiccation guard - desiccator bones, moon huntress - moon fruit.
At the end, I would like to write that this is my first time doing mods, but this mod is important to me. And I will promote it in the future!
I hope that in my first promotion, the mod of the week icon will be the impetus for the spread of my diligent work. And even though my mod does not yet have direct whole dimensions and biomes, but I will develop it in the future, and most importantly - qualitatively, trying not to lose sight of anything.
Use normal textures like netherite items. You insert them into Adobe Photoshop and edit them there with a pencil! Also, to erase pixels - use the rectangular selection tool. You can paint whatever you want to the texture of the subject.
As for the armor - just redraw from the default textures. Or you can also look for good texture packs and take some ideas from there or redraw textures from them.
Use normal textures like netherite items. You insert them into Adobe Photoshop and edit them there with a pencil! Also, to erase pixels - use the rectangular selection tool. You can paint whatever you want to the texture of the subject.
As for the armor - just redraw from the default textures. Or you can also look for good texture packs and take some ideas from there or redraw textures from them.
Use normal textures like netherite items. You insert them into Adobe Photoshop and edit them there with a pencil! Also, to erase pixels - use the rectangular selection tool. You can paint whatever you want to the texture of the subject.
As for the armor - just redraw from the default textures. Or you can also look for good texture packs and take some ideas from there or redraw textures from them.
As for the armor visual - or rather layer_1 and layer_2, you can edit them here:
You insert any armor textures and edit them there. If it's convenient, you can first edit them in your own way in Adobe Photoshop.
The most important thing in training is to observe which textures are of better quality from different mod developers. Their visuals can inspire you and show you what your textures might look like in the best possible way.