Wild Expansion

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This mod upgrades some vanilla biomes with new features and many more will be added in the next versions. I got ispiration from the "Wild update" to add some blocks (like mud and birch forest flowers). Hope you like it


Birch forest:

More vegetation (more grass and fern)


Fallen trees

Alyssum; this is a new type of flowers in 5 different colors (blue, magenta, pink, yellow and red)


Oak forest:

More vegetation (more grass and fern)



podzol spots



Chopped trees

Floating trees

Rafts (with loot)

Mud; this block can be crafted right clicking with a bottle of water on it or can be found in the swamps. You can also craft Mud bricks smelting mud blocks (obtaining Mud brick) and craft the blocks like a normal brick block 

You can also place all type of plants and lily pads

Minecraft mod files
Wild expansion.jar - Mod download Uploaded on: 10/31/2021 - 10:33   File size: 680.75 KB

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Fri, 06/17/2022 - 12:34 Permalink

truly underrated for the things this avenges

I agree with The_Librarian, a tiny little detail to make Minecraft better :D