It is finally here - MCreator that fully supports Minecraft 1.17. And not just that, it also greatly improves the generated code. The code of 1.17 mods is much cleaner, faster, and human-like!
The snapshot may not be the biggest, but it has a lot of great changes under the hood, in terms of performance, code quality, plugin options, and much more.
Snapshot changelog
Major new features in this snapshot are highlighted with bold text.
- Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 16
- Added base support for Minecraft Forge 1.17.1
- [FG 1.17.1] Added support for mod elements: advancement, fuel, command, overlay, food, painting, procedure, tag, function, dimension, loot table, recipe, music disc, key binding, potion effect, potion item, GUI, armor, particle, structure, block, plant, biome, custom element, fluid, item, enchantment, game rule, tool, ranged item, living entity, and creative tab
- Added Minecraft add-on generator for 1.17.x
- Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.17.x
- Improved element list selector fields and windows
- Improved code generator performance and generated code
- Improved code and import formatted
- [Bugfix] Water entities moved very slowly
- [Bugfix] Living entity arrow immunity did not work with certain arrow types
- [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements
Release notes
- Java entity models before 1.17 are not compatible with 1.17 and vice versa. Two separate instances with the same name need to be imported, one for an older generator and one in 1.17 generators and MCreator will pick the right version depending on the current generator
- [Plugins] Generators can now use global templates for each mod element type
- [Plugins] Generators can now use common definition files for different base types
- [Plugins] Generators no longer need to define partial support for mod elements as MCreator automatically detects coverage support using excludes/includes parameters.
- [Plugins] Variables and procedure categories can now use hex color codes
I would like to thank all the great contributors that helped with updating MCreator to support Minecraft 1.17. There are a few hundred procedures to cover, tens of mod elements, some of which are very complex so without the help of all those amazing people, this update wouldn't be there that fast for sure.
Make sure to install and test this snapshot, so we can get it to a stable release as soon as possible :) Leave a comment, feedback and stay awesome!
Hey there,
So procedures on Entity Tick update does not work with a procedure. To be exact: I used the "get Event/Targetentity data number NBT tag. my tag was "tickCounter" and it was set up exactly like this in this tutorial to be found here: https://mcreator.net/forum/62211/play-sound-every-x-ticks-when-riding-entity I used it to play a sound, but it did not play a sound. Instead of that the gradle console spit out "[Server thread/WARN]: Failed to load dependency entity for procedure TalkingMelissa!" on each single tick. But in previous versions, the sounds were played.
I've thought about it carefully.
So if this is supposed to be on Github, I'll hand this task over to someone else.
I'm very sorry, Toma, for writing this to YOU. Thing is, I have a lot of stuff to do for my mod project. As a beginner! With Learning by Doing! And you can see that very clearly on my profile! I have no one for help, similar questions I have, had already been asked, often left unanswered. So I haven't post other questions yet and spended the time to figur it out, how I can help myself instead! 10% sucess 90% fail Although I don't want this to as a revanche, I honestly admit that I don't have the moral to insert myself by creating a Github post. While I am at the limit, on my own again and cannot solve my problems without outside help.
If someone else think now: "If that dude does not do this, I do it instead of him!" Thank you very much, for doing this. And even if not, who are working on MC, dem know about that anyway, because dem read dis comments.
The problem with "handing the task over" is - only you know precisely the issue, and I can only copy-paste your issue description. But what if devs have questions? I will not be able to answer them. If the issue is important to you, mentioning it won't be waste of time.
And for the posts you did - well, MCreator forums aren't the most visited ones, I also had a lot of questions which never get answered. I feel your frustration, but it isn't anyone's fault - we, as a moderators, have a lot of tasks to do to keep the site clean, and also private life + our projects. Developers maintain MCreator, so they need specific places to know where to focus (so they chose GitHub, since it is one place for all issues). And they also have private lives. The best we can do, is to help to each other, without feeling the need to gain help ourselves.
I'll take a look at your issues somewhen this week, but I hope you understand why it isn't anyone's bad intentions.
There's something truth on your words.
I clean up with one thing, I am not talking any evil intent after anyone, even less do I hold anyone responsible for my incompetence. The fact that until this morning I had no prospect of learning anything that would help me achieve my goals on my own drove me insane. Because I am ambitious, dogged, stubborn and I want to achieve my goals. But how is the question. You won't be needed to check out all my posts. I write under this link: (https://mcreator.net/forum/81146/case-moderator-have-time-these-are-my-struggles-modding-summarized) a summary, what I am up to, to give you a better overview about this. Give me 2 Hours for that.
And the Github? Give me time. I need to have a clear mind. It has never worked properly for me when I have x construction sites open, but get nowhere forward. It's not just frustration in the matter, I used up all my concentration on the matter. Then nothing worked in my head and in the end I stood almost empty-handed.
So I written my issues under that given link. I left out a part, because it's not essential for now and I don't want to make this too long. Most likely the rest reveals itself, after I learn how to use the vanilla AIs, Poses etc. properly. I am quite sure about this.
Thank you Toma.
So I tried report this. 1 time yesterday and almost 10 times today. I filled every required field, submit the issue and always an empty site opened and nothing happened. My issue is not reported. I have no idea, whats up with Github. It seems to Github has an issue itself. So what now?
Yeah. Thanks Toma. and now it does not look like a bug anymore. As you can see there. I was not able to reproduce that bug. But it looks like the problem was in my models code? I don't know what went wrong. I know nothing in this moment. My head is empty again, because I find this really strange. Playsound works now, what was not working before for unknown reasons. Can't touch this!
how do you download the snapshot