Shattered World Limits

Published by __SK__ on
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This mod extends the height and depth vanilla limitations. Always wanted to build beyond the 256, 320, or 512 height marker? ... well now you can go 1024 blocks up. What about going deep below the bedrock barrier?, in creative mode you can go beyond the bedrock, and build an impressive dark world 511 blocks below without leaving the overworld. while in the void, you will be able to see the sun, but there in no ambient light (must place torches, etc).


This is a quick demo from top height to the new depths of your world. Look at the highlighted areas.

Forge 1.19.3 Update


This is the newest version of Shattered World limits mod for 1.19.3, which has a working mixins that clears about 95% of the lava below -54 to -512, also has a custom vertical gradient (which is shown in the screenshots below - more updates will follow), added a perlin noise makes lots of bigger random cave formations, and cave decorators are present randomly all the way down to -512. Last but not least, the mod makes a faster world generation time and the code was greatly optimized ... reducing the mod's jar file size to 31kb. I am trying to summarize the features of this mod, but there is a lot more ... like full compatibility with Terralith mod users (not compatible with the Terralith datapack). In this version, the custom vertical gradient is applied near the bedrock floor where you will find a combined rock formation of basalt, blackstone, deepslate, magma blocks, with the minimum amount of lava possible. All these patterns are random, and will be found below -480 to bedrock layer. The other vertical gradient formation is a combined muddy layer with deepslate, mud, muddy mangrove roots and stone near -240 which is about 30 blocks of thickness. Since 1.19.3 code has changed so much, but at the same time it is more complex (as in specific) which simplified the worldgen aspects that I have been trying to change for a long time. And thanks to those changes, now all is possible!

I know MCreator is not at 1.19.3 yet ... And now for 1.21 ... but here is where Shattered World Limit started.




If you decide to see all these feature in spectator mod, it will significantly reduce your pc's fps.


Have fun!


Will not work on 1.16.x or below

As of today, V2 (and up) is not Optifine-friendly - UPDATE - This might be permanent

Cause: Flickers when it exceeds 256 blocks in height.

Q : But, why does it flickers below Y 256 using this mod?

A: The altitude is not measured from Y 0 to Y 256, it starts from the bedrock floor up. In this mod's V2+ the bedrock floor is at Y -511, meaning - from Y -511 to Y -255 your screen will not flicker. Anything above that point (Y -256 to Y 1024) is not Optifine friendly. 


If using 1.18.1, no more flickers while using Optifine.



Dynamic illumination turns off in mineshafts - Don't know why, will work on it.

Minecraft mod files
__SK_'s Shattered World Limits - V2-1.17.1_0.jar - Added a naturally generated oversized structure. It will spawn in the desert. Uploaded on: 12/14/2021 - 12:28   File size: 1.37 MB
Shattered World Limits - forge - 1.18.2.jar - Updated to 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 07/31/2022 - 18:01   File size: 38.54 KB
SWL-Forge-0.0.1-1.19.3.jar - Updated to Forge 1.19.3 - Fabric 1.19.3 version soon ... more versions can be found in Curseforge Uploaded on: 03/02/2023 - 21:42   File size: 30.15 KB
swl-0.0.1-1.21-(Y -2032)-Fabric.jar - Extreme Version 2k up and 2k deep - Fabric - from -64 deep to this 2k can be found in Curseforge. Happy Minecrafting for all. Uploaded on: 07/12/2024 - 10:39   File size: 45 KB
swl-0.0.1-1.21-(Y -2032)-Forge.jar - Extreme Version 2k up and 2k deep - Forge - from -64 deep to this 2k can be found in Curseforge. Happy Minecrafting for all. Uploaded on: 07/12/2024 - 10:39   File size: 28.71 KB

Can you teach me how to do this? I really need to make this possible on a mod I'm making, because I want to add new biomes to my world, that surpass that vanilla height and depth limits for building!

It have experimental settings but sounds cool to me to break world height limits.

You ever just wake up and decide, "Yeah, I will break Minecraft's build limits using MCreator today!" I'm assuming yes, cause you did it lmao.

Well, the world height and depth is coding. It is I flaw I saw in 1.17 code (might work in 1.18), which gives access to 1536 up/down elevation blocks (anything higher will crash the game) - you can distribute them however you want in the Y axis. Can be done with MCreator, but not with procedures (it is all coding - some graphic issues with Optifine). The oversized structures, I did them in-game, exported them as schematic, passed them thru several programs to return them as one *.nbt (structure blocks won't help, they have 48x48x48 limitation), and then force them with a procedure that @Chewdog explained in his YT videos and a necessary delay @woodcreatures told me some time ago for a different structure. It was impossible to come up with all that by myself.