Welcome to the Erimos! Enjoy your stay in this horrid fiery wasteland!
Build a portal of Crying Obsidian and ignite it with Flint and Gold.
Build altars and fight bosses.
Power basins with Painite. Powering a basin isn't a 100% chance and there are multiple stages, so you will need quite a bit of Painite.
Build the altar for the Ancient One, a brick amalgamation covered with an incredibly strong armor.
Build the altar for the Ghoulish One, a zombified dread lord with enhanced speed and mobility.
Build the altar for the Tormentor, a skeletal being that does a lot of damage.
To fight the final boss, The Erimos, you must summon it with an item that is crafted with the Ancient Orb, Ghoulish Orb, and Tormented Orb, as well as Petranite.
If you don't like fighting bosses, you can still explore the new biomes and build with the 40+ blocks.
Check out the official pages here!
- Report Bugs and Suggest Features
- Discord
- Guide
Mod is made 100% in MCreator
Currently in Pre-Alpha, lots of feature overhauls are planned.
*Shaders are not recommended as the settings for the dimension make the shaders look really weird.
Alpha 1.0 (Pre-Release #1)
Changelog (38)
Additions <34>
- Revenant
- Oxenscourge
- Red Widow
- Goblin
- Plaguedwell
- Crawler
- Phantasm
- Bloodbeef
- Scourgesteak
- Fiery Flesh
- Acidic Flesh
- Erachinid Eye
- Enhanced Weakness
- Starvation
- Bloody Obsidian
- Blood Obelisk [3]
- Corrupted Bricks
- Corrupted Moss
- Desert Pyramid
- Skolitin Remains
- Skolitn Roots
- Skolin Shrub
- Skolishroom
- Hallowbone Logs
- Hallowbone Trees [7]
- Erimosean Skolitals
Changes <4>
- Walker now spawns in every biome in the Erimos.
- Changed the mod description
- Fixed Petranite Wall rendering but still doesn't connect.
- Fixed The Erimos texture.
Pre-Alpha 0.1.6
Additions <37>
- Lost Altar
- Lost Brick Basin
- Lost Brick Basin 1
- Lost Brick Basin 2
- Lost Brick Basin 3
- Recipe for Lost Bricks
- Recipe for Lost Brick Stairs
- Recipe for Lost Brick Slab
- Recipe for Lost Brick Wall
- Forgotten Bricks
- Forgotten Brick Stairs
- Forgotten Brick Slab
- Forgotten Brick Wall
- Forgotten Altar
- Forgotten Brick Basin
- Forgotten Brick Basin 1
- Forgotten Brick Basin 2
- Forgotten Brick Basin 3
- Foul Bricks
- Foul Brick Stairs
- Foul Brick Slab
- Foul Brick Wall
- Foul Altar
- Foul Brick Basin
- Foul Brick Basin 1
- Foul Brick Basin 2
- Foul Brick Basin 3
- Desert Flower Mix
- Ghoulish One
- Tormentor
- The Erimos (Boss)
- Sounds for Ancient One
- Sounds for Ancient Spirit
- Ancient Orb
- Ghoulish Orb
- Tormented Orb
- Erimosean Tablet
Changed <16>
- Lost Bricks harvestability decreased from 8 to 6
- Lost Brick Stairs harvestability decreased from 8 to 6
- Lost Bricks Slab harvestability decreased from 8 to 6
- Lost Bricks Wall harvestability decreased from 8 to 6
- Lost Bricks hardness decreased from 100 to 30
- Lost Brick Stairs hardness decreased from 100 to 30
- Lost Brick Slab hardness decreased from 100 to 30
- Lost Bricks Wall hardness decreased from 100 to 30
- Lost Bricks are no longer unbreakable
- Lost Brick Stairs are no longer unbreakable
- Lost Brick Slabs are no longer unbreakable
- Lost Brick Walls are no longer unbreakable
- Lost Bricks, Lost Brick Stairs, Lost Brick Slabs, and Lost Brick Walls are no longer able to be destroyed by Ancient Orb on right click
- Removed Cracked Lost Bricks
- Removed Lost Dungeon
- Walker no longer targets Bloodbull and now targets players
- Ancient One now has 200 health instead of 250
- Changed Erimos Portal particle effect to lava
- Petranite drops Cobbled Petranite
- Petranite is now craftable
Changelog (2)
Changes <2>
- Ancient Spirit Projectile / Ancient Ranged Item no longer ignites fire
- Ancient Spirit Projectile / Ancient Ranged Item damage reduced from 12 to 5
Changelog (3)
Changes <3>
- Upon right clicking Lost Bricks, Lost Brick Stairs, Lost Brick Slabs, and Lost Brick Walls, with an Ancient Orb, those blocks with be destroyed
- Ancient Orb now has a durability of 150
- Lost Dungeon (Structure) now exists
Pre-Alpha 0.1.5
Changelog (11)
Additions <9>
- Ancient One (Boss)
- Ancient Spirit (Mob)
- Necro Helmet
- Necro Chestplate
- Necro Leggings
- Necro Boots
- Ancient One Summoner
- Ancient Ranged Item (Commands Only)
- Ancient Orb
Changes <2>
- Plaguedrip luminance increased from 2 to 5
- Walker damage reduced from 8 to 6
Changelog (7)
Additions <6>
- Lost Bricks
- Cracked Lost Bricks
- Lost Brick Stairs
- Lost Brick Slab
- Lost Brick Wall
- Flint and Gold recipe
Changes <1>
- Fixed Painite Harvest Levels (Level 6)
Changelog (1)
Changes <1>
- Cobalt Armor Texture is fixed
Pre-Alpha 0.1.4
Changelog (14)
Additions <10>
- Scourged Wooded Plains
- Scourged Wooded Plateau
- Scourged Wooded Hills Low
- Scourged Wooded Hills High
- Erimosean Alps
- Scourged Painite
- Plaugedrip
- Scourged Tree 11*
- Scourged Tree 12
- Mega Scourged Tree
Changes <4>
- Flowers (execpt Asters) now can spawn on Scourged Petranite
- Changed Painite texture
- Bloodbull now spawns in Erimosean Alps
- Walker now spawns in Erimosean Alps
*3 structure spawns for the same structure
Pre-Alpha 0.1.3
Changelog (67)
Additions <43>
- Added a description
- Added a mod image
- Raw Cobalt
- Cobalt Ingot
- Raw Cobalt Block
- Cobalt Block
- Cobalt Sword
- Cobalt Pickaxe
- Cobalt Axe
- Cobalt Shovel
- Cobalt Hoe
- Cobalt Helmet
- Cobalt Chestplate
- Cobalt Leggings
- Cobalt Boots
- Painite
- Painite Block
- Painite Sword
- Painite Pickaxe
- Painite Axe
- Painite Shovel
- Paintie Hoe
- Painite Helmet
- Painite Chestplate
- Painite Leggings
- Painite Boots
- Petranite Slab
- Petranite Wall
- Petranite Stairs
- Cobbled Petranite
- Cobbled Petranite Slab
- Cobbled Petranite Stairs
Pillar Structures
- Pillar 1
- Pillar 2
- Pillar 3
- Pillar 4
- Pillar 5
- Pillar 6
- Pillar 8
- Pillar 7
- Dye Recipes for all flowers
- Bloodbull
- Walker
Changes <24>
- Cobalt Ore Generates in the Erimos
- Painite Ore Generates in the Erimos
- Uranium Ore Generates in the Erimos
- Cobalt Ore Generation increased from 10 to 15
- Painite Ore Generation increased from 6 to 9
- Uranium Ore Generation increased from 4 to 5
- Painite Ore group size increased from 5 to 8
- Petranite break sound is now changed from dirt to stone
- Cobalt Ore break sound is now changed from dirt to stone
- Painite Ore break sound is now changed from dirt to stone
- Uranium Ore break sound is now changed from dirt to stone
- Grassy Petranite break sound is now changed from dirt to stone
- Bloodrip break sound is now changed from plant to wool
- Tree 13 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Tree 12 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Tree 10 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Tree 8 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Tree 7 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Tree 5 generation now spawns 1 block in the ground to fix floating tree glitch
- Water now vaporizes in the Erimos dimension
- All flowers are no longer flammable
- The Erimos Portal block now has a texture
- Renamed Erimos Portal Igniter to Flint and Gold
- Flint and Gold now has a texture
Pre-Alpha 0.1.2
Changelog (1)
- Changed version format from 'Pre Alpha x.x.x' to ' x.x.x Pre-Alpha' to fix a crash.
Pre Alpha 0.1.1
(Test Version)
Pre Alpha 0.1
Changelog (35)
Additions <35>
- Petranite
- Cobalt Ore
- Painite Ore Uranium Ore
- Grassy Petranite
- Erimos dimension
- Erimosean Log
- Bloodrip
- Erimosean Sand
- Erimos Portal Igniter
- Skeletil
- Chocolate Cosmos
- Twilight Hyacinth
- Midnight Lavender
- Bloody Aster
- Evil Aster
- Mutated Aster
- Erimosean Grassy Plains
- Erimosean Grassy Plateau
- Erimosean Grassy Hills Low
- Erimosean Grassy Hills High
- Erimosean Wooded Plains
- Erimosean Wooded Plateau
- Erimosean Wooded Hills Low
- Erimosean Wooded Hills High
- Erimosean Sandy Plains
- Erimosean Sandy Plateau
- Erimosean Sandy Hills Low
- Erimosean Sandy Hills High
- Erimosean Sea
- Tree 13
- Tree 12
- Tree 10
- Tree 8
- Tree 7
- Tree 5
Woah, looks nice :o somehow I missed this mod earlier, but now I added it to my 1.17 modpack ^^