Tekker01's Weapon Mod

Published by Tekker01 on
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In development
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This mod adds a couple of ranged weapons to Minecraft. The main weapons/weapon types are listed here:

  • Slingshots are the main type of ranged weapons in this mod, and they come in Basic (wood), Iron, Gold, and Diamond varieties.
  • Blowguns are the second type of ranged weapons. They usually deal less damage than the Slingshots. They come in normal, Machine blowgun, and Explosive blowgun varieties.
  • There is also a long-range weapon in this mod called the Slinger. It can throw slingshot ammo a far distance but doesn't deal as much damage as other weapons

Each weapon type uses its own type of ammo. Slingshots (and the Slinger) use ammo crafted using stone blocks.

Blowguns use blowgun darts, crafted using bamboo, flint, and slime. However, the Explosive Blowgun uses blocks of TNT as ammo.


Note: this is my first published mod i guess

Minecraft mod files
Mod_19.jar - Weapons Mod Uploaded on: 02/20/2022 - 01:10   File size: 121.76 KB
  • V1 - mod published.

Actually, I've finished the first version of this new mod I'm making called "Rifles, Pistols, and Machine Guns". Will post it soon by tomorrow or the day after that.