Pixel Souls Weaponary Expansion (Check Desc!!)

Published by Pixel Soul on
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Download here: Pixel Souls Weaponary Expan... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge

1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1 and 1.18.2 are available!


The Pixel Souls Weaponary Expansion adds 36 new weapons and some minor other details.

This Mod will allow you to craft vanilla like weapons for example a danish axe.

These weapons come in wood, stone,iron ,diamond ,netherite and emerald form (variant).


To craft some of these weapons you can change for example a diamond to 9 diamond nuggets(emerald nuggets etc...)

If you might be lost in crafting these cool weapons I would recommend to download JEI mod wich shows all recipes of all items.

If maybe you just want to test the weapons go to creative mode and search for the custom tab I have made wich features all the mods content.


Another feature you will come accross are chests scattered around the world, wich if you open you might get lucky and get a Crate tier 3.

You can open these crates and get some nice starter gear altough if you want to advance and get better weapons I wouldnt recommend only opening crates.


There is one detail in this mod wich with it you can make the stringest swords.

The Japanes nether scraps, yes indeed you have to travel to the nether and you might find a magma like block with these scraps.

The scraps behave like iron nuggets you just craft and craft until you get the japanese steel ingot.

Now the Japanese steel ingot itself has for now no real use, but its scraps and the iron scraps and the chest nut charcoal you can get the Tamahagane steel ingot.

With this special ingot you can craft japanese weapons (samurai).

Wich are the strongest weapons in the mod.

Beside one secret secret weapon ;)


If you have some cool ideas leave them in the comments your deer 'pixel souled' .


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Minecraft mod files
Pix_Wep_Expansion_1.15.2_0.jar - 1.15.2 (1.16.5 ,1.17.1 ,1.18.2 and 1.14.4 are in desc) Uploaded on: 07/13/2022 - 13:14   File size: 474.83 KB

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If there are some further development ideas just leave a comment :)