The Armor Trimming Mod!

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Hello everyone, I have made a mod for Minecraft called The Armor Trimming Mod!
It was inspired by the trimmed armor in a game called RuneScape.
I wanted people to have the stylish customization of trimmed armor in Minecraft, and in any of the dye colors! You're able to trim Iron, Gold, and Diamond armor with ANY color dye in game!
Be sure to leave ANY feedback, suggestions, bugs you've noticed, etc. in the comments! Thanks!
You can make your own review on YouTube for the mod AS LONG AS YOU ABIDE TO THE FOLLOWING:

1. You must shoutout my channel in your video as I am the creator of the mod.
2. You must leave a link to my channel/this video in your description.

That's all! ^-^
-=How to install into your Minecraft game=-

1. Download the Armor Trimming Mod .zip folder.
2. Go in and extract the jar onto your desktop.
3. Download the Minecraft FORGE Installer for 1.8 (Version Sensitive!).
4. Once you start up the installer, select "Install Client".
5. Once installed, go to your %appdata% folder > Roaming > .minecraft > mods > 1.8
7. Drag and Drop the jar in there.
8. Restart your Minecraft with the PROPER version of FORGE selected.

9. Enjoy the mod! ^-^

-=What the Armor Trimming Mod offers=-

- 48 NEW sets of armor! (So 192 new pieces of armor in total!)
- 48 NEW ores!
- LONGER DURABILITY for ALL trimmed armor!
- FULL ENCHANTABILITY for ALL trimmed armor!
- 576 NEW armor combinations! (Only counting the new armor this mod adds)

-=Download Links=-

Minecraft FORGE Download:
Armor Trimming Mod Dwnload:

ENJOY! ^-^

Modification files
Armor Trimming Mod V - 1.0.0.jar - Armor Trimming Mod V - 1.0.0 (FORGE 1.8) Uploaded on: 12/12/2015 - 17:25   File size: 2.23 MB

Hope you all enjoy my first mod! ANY feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated! :)