Erdemium Mod

Published by erdemkral on
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Important: This mod won't get any updates anymore. I'm currently developing a reloaded version of this mod. I'll publish it soon.

A mod that adds Erdemium items into the game.


Items and blocks:

Erdemium Ore: Generates in Erdemium Dimension, from y=-64 to 32. Drops Erdemium ingots. You should use at least iron pickaxe to break it.


Erdemium Ingot: Can be used to craft Erdemium items and blocks.


Erdemium Block: Crafted with Erdemium Ingots. Can be converted into Erdemium Ingots again. You should use at least iron pickaxe to break it.


Erdemium Buffer: A machine that can enchant your items. Crafted with Erdemium Ingots and a Redstone Dust.


Erdemium Brick: Generates in Erdemium Castles.


Erdemium Grass/Stone/Dirt: Base blocks in Erdemium Dimension.


Knight Soul: Crafted from Knight Soul Shards. Used to build Erdemium Dimension Portal.


Knight Soul Shard: Dropped from Knights. Used to craft Knight Soul.


Erdemium Dimension Portal Igniter: Crafted with a Redstone Dust and an Emerald. Used to ignite Erdemium Dimension Portal.


Hunter Coin: Currency of Hunters. Crafted from gold nuggets and a gold ingot.


Erdemium Ancient Remnants: Found in underground, can be smelted and converted into Erdemium Ancient Scraps.


Erdemium Ancient Scraps: Can be traded with Hunters.


Frozen Steve: Currently unused, can melt and spawn Steve. (hidden)



Knight: Spawns in Overworld or spawned by Erdem Boss. Drops Knight Soul Shards and gives you Erdemium Curse on death.


Erdem Boss: Spawns if you enter Erdemium Dimension with Erdemium Curse effect. Spawns Knights periodically, and if it can't hit you, it spawns a projectile and deals area damage that hurts every player in a radius. Drops Erdemium Block on death.


Hunter: A mob that you can trade with. Spawns in hunter campsites. Attacks Knights. Doesn't drop anything on death.


Zombie Hunter: Spawns rarely, can be converted to regular hunters. Use Weakness potion and an enchanted golden apple.


Armed Knight: Spawns from projectiles thrown from Erdem Boss. Stronger version of Knight.


Steve: Currently unused. (hidden)


Effects and enchantments:

Erdemium Curse: If you enter Erdemium Dimension with this effect, there's a chance to spawn Erdem Boss. Kill Knights to get this effect.


Anger Prevention: An enchantment that reduces Erdem Boss' area damage. Can be applied to armor.


Dimensions and biomes:

Erdemium World: Biome of Erdemium Dimension.


Erdemium Dimension: A dimension that can generate Erdemium Ores.



Hunter campsite: Can spawn Hunters.


Note: This mod is still in development, so if you have ideas about this mod, you can leave a comment! I'll try to add them, but I can't guarantee I will add every single idea.

If you experience bugs, report them in the comments. I'll try to fix them.

I won't add new features here, so if you want to see all features, read Changelog.


Minecraft mod files
Erdemium Mod 1.1.1_1.jar - Added hunters and hunter coins. Uploaded on: 08/01/2022 - 14:48   File size: 730.99 KB
Erdemium Mod 1.2_0.jar - Some improvements, learn more at Changelog. Uploaded on: 08/07/2022 - 11:58   File size: 1.05 MB
Erdemium Mod 1.2.1.jar - Sound improvements. Uploaded on: 08/07/2022 - 16:06   File size: 1.51 MB
Erdemium Mod 1.3 (Beta 1).jar - Erdemium Dimension Update (1.3 beta 1) (Read Changelog for full additions) Uploaded on: 08/31/2022 - 15:45   File size: 2.66 MB


  • First update


  • Added hunters and hunter coins.


  • More trades added to Hunters.
  • Cleric villagers can no longer sell Knight Soul Shards.
  • Changed the texture of Hunter Coins.
  • Changed the model of Erdemium Buffer.
  • New structure: Hunter camp sites -  Hunters can spawn here.
  • Hunters can no longer spawn naturally.
  • New command: /placestructure (use /placestructure hunter_camp_site to place a hunter camp site)
  • New entity: Hunter Spawner - Spawn hunters when they fall. Used to spawn hunters in hunter campsites. (hidden)
  • New entity: Zombie Hunter - Spawns rarely, can be converted to regular hunters (like zombie villagers)
  • New entity: Armed Knight - Spawns from projectiles thrown from Erdem Boss. Stronger version of Knight.
  • New entity: Steve - Currently they don't do anything.
  • New blocks: Erdemium Ancient Remnants - Found in underground, can be smelted and converted into Erdemium Ancient Scraps.
  • New block: Frozen Steve - Currently unused, can melt and spawn Steve. (hidden)
  • New block: Command Setter Block - Currently unused.
  • New items: Erdemium Ancient Scraps - Can be traded with Hunters.
  • New item: Command Setter - If you set a command in Command Setter, you can execute the saved command with right-click. (hidden)
  • New tool: Erdemium Hoe - Functions as a normal hoe.
  • New particle: Erdemium Particle (currently unused)
  • Some bug fixes and improvements.


  • Knights, Armed Knights and Erdem Boss now use unique subtitles instead of copying villagers and withers.
  • Added shooting sound for Erdem Boss.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Armed Knights to spawn naturally.


Beta 1:

  • More trades added to Hunters.
  • New item: Empty Cup - Crafted with white concretes, or found in Erdemium Castle or dropped by Mutated Knights.
  • New item: Erdemium Tea Cup - Crafted using Erdemium Heater. Drinkable and gives regeneration effect.
  • New item: Harvested Tea - Harvested version of tea. Crafted from Erdemium Tea Plant.
  • New plant: Erdemium Tea - Can be found in Erdemium Dimension. Can be harvested.
  • New item: Casgard's Iron - Dropped from Casgards. Can be traded with hunters.
  • New block: Erdemium Heater - Used for crafting tea. Can be crafted with Erdemium Ingots and any coal or can be found in Erdemium Castle.
  • New block: Danger Circle - Can spawn knights if you're not sneaking while nearby.
  • New block: Reinforced Erdemium Brick - Found in Erdemium Castle. Stronger version of default Erdemium Brick.
  • Some technical blocks for castles were added.
  • New block: Erdemium Brick Fence - Found in Erdemium Castle. Crafted from Erdemium Bricks.
  • New block: Erdemium Light - Found in Erdemium Castle. Emits light.
  • New block: Erdemium Shrieker - Can spawn Castle Giants if triggered too much. Sneaking will not trigger them.
  • New block: Erdemium Antifire - Can be used to craft fire resistance counterparts of Erdemium tools and armor.
  • New block: Erdemium Transferrer - Currently unused.
  • New block: Erdemium Brick Stairs and Slab - Stair and slab version of Erdemium Brick.
  • New command: /dealdamage - Deals damage to specified entities.
  • New command: /removetechnicals - Removes technical entities in a radius. Currently doesn't work.
  • New enchantment: Silence - Doesn't trigger Danger Circles and Erdemium Shriekers when applied to boots.
  • New gamerule: bossSpawnKnights - Controls whether Erdem Boss can spawn knights.
  • New key: V - Opens Teleporter GUI, but only works in Creative.
  • New entity: Casgard - Found in Erdemium Castle. Drops Casgard's Iron on death.
  • New entity: Mutated Knight - Found in Erdemium Castle. Drops Empty Cup on death.
  • New entity: Erdemium Golem - Currently unused. (hidden)
  • New entity: Castle Giant - Spawned from Erdemium Shriekers, can deal area damage and throw fireballs when close. Explodes after dying and drops a Granite.
  • New entity: Erdemium Animal - Spawned in Erdemium Dimension, drops beef (steak if died while burning) on death.
  • Added recipe for Erdemium Brick.
  • New structure: Erdemium Castle - Generates in Erdemium Dimension (never generates between x/z: -1600 and 1600).
  • New tools: Antifire versions of Erdemium Tools - They don't burn in lava/fire, stronger and has more durability than regular Erdemium tools. Crafted with Erdemium Antifire.
  • Some bug fixes and improvements.

Looks Like a really Good Mod. I havent tested it yet but it sounds like you put alot afford into it