This mod only includes commands.
This mod only includes commands.
/gm <Game Mode> [Player] - Changing game mode
/heal [Player] - Healing a player
/repair [Player] - Repairing an item
/fix [Player] - Repairing an item
/invsee [Player] - Showing a player's inventory
/laggclear - Clearing all items
/tphere <Player> - Teleporting a player to your location
/tpall <Player> - Teleporting all players to another player
/tphereall - Teleporting all players to your location
/tplook [Player] - Teleporting to look location
/feed <Player> - Setting food points to 20
/eat <Player> - Setting food points to 20
/mute <Player> - Muting a player (chat)
/unmute <Player> - Unmuting player
/whois <Player> - Getting information about a player
/troll <Player> <More options, information in-game> - Pranking a player
/actionbar <More options, information in-game> - Showing actionbar
/item <Item> <Count> [Player]
/i <Item> <Count> [Player]
/tnt <Count> - Summoning tnt at your look location
/explode <Explode level> Exploding at your look location
/setslot <Player> <SlotID> - Setting items in slots
Added Command:
/setslot <Player> <SlotID>
Added Command Parameter:
/troll <Player> break
/troll <Player> freeze
Nice! Vanilla commands made easier and more commands!