Player Animator is a plugin that allows you to animate the player model using smooth keyframe (json) animations created with blockbench, blender or even by hand. This is done though the help of the playerAnimator library.
Example of a player animation:
How to use:
First, you will need to use blockbench, animate a template player model and extract the .json animation. The animation in the first example is made with blender, but you can use the geckolib plugin in blockbench like I did to make the second example.
Now that you have the animation file, it will need to be placed here:
Once you have placed your animation in the correct folder, you need to make an empty procedure and select the event shown below. The procedure does not need any further inspection.
Now, you are ready to use your animations! All you will need to do is include the procedure block provided by the plugin (and have the playerAnimator library enabled in workspace settings).
Potential issues when using the plugin:
"I can't get the animation parts to work correctly!" -You can find the official bbmodel here
"The game keeps crashing when I try use the animation!" -You either didn't place the file in the right place, or you renamed the animation after exporting it. Don't do that.
"I'm getting a build error!" -You didn't name the SetupAnimations procedure correctly, or your use of the procedure block was simply not accounted for.
"The animation won't play!" -None of the entities in your event are players, therefore it has nothing to play for.
Hey, I'm a bit curious (and I know that some people may have asked about it before), but do you think on making a plugin for Geckolib animations for Armor, Blocks and/or Items?
Sorry, I know it's something you're asked constantly, but I'm just quite curious about it.
Hey Nerdy I'm a big fan of your plugins because they are really complete and useful and I would like to know if you plan to make something that allows to change the player model by a java + texture model? it could be useful for the community! Anyway, have a nice day!
okay... well I have followed your instructions, used the supplied model for blockbench that you link... I also have made sure the names for the animations are simple and all match, haven't changed them after exporting and put them in the correct location.
But it crashes, should I be exporting the full Gekolib model or just the animation?
I did it but then i can't play other animations anymore, and the empty animation is play once not looped.