Player Animator [Forge 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.1, 1.21.1]

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
Global triggers
player animator
Upvotes: 175
About the plugin

Player Animator is a plugin that allows you to animate the player model using smooth keyframe (json) animations created with blockbench, blender or even by hand. This is done though the help of the playerAnimator library.


Example of a player animation:


animation example

flip animation


How to use:


First, you will need to use blockbench, animate a template player model and extract the .json animation. The animation in the first example is made with blender, but you can use the geckolib plugin in blockbench like I did to make the second example.

Now that you have the animation file, it will need to be placed here:

file location

Once you have placed your animation in the correct folder, you need to make an empty procedure and select the event shown below. The procedure does not need any further inspection.



Now, you are ready to use your animations! All you will need to do is include the procedure block provided by the plugin (and have the playerAnimator library enabled in workspace settings).

procedure block

Potential issues when using the plugin:

"I can't get the animation parts to work correctly!" -You can find the official bbmodel here

"The game keeps crashing when I try use the animation!" -You either didn't place the file in the right place, or you renamed the animation after exporting it. Don't do that.

"I'm getting a build error!" -You didn't name the SetupAnimations procedure correctly, or your use of the procedure block was simply not accounted for.

"The animation won't play!" -None of the entities in your event are players, therefore it has nothing to play for.

MIT License

Plugin downloads
Player Animator v1.8.1 - Uploaded on: 04/13/2024 - 04:26   File size: 12.37 KB
Player Animator v1.9 (2024.1, 2024.2 ONLY) - (1.20.1 only) server synced - Uploaded on: 07/27/2024 - 09:18   File size: 9.08 KB
Player Animator v2.1 (2024.3, 2024.4 ONLY) - (1.20.1 forge, 1.21.1 neoforge) server synced (server crash fixed) - Uploaded on: 01/16/2025 - 11:47   File size: 8.98 KB


Hello Nerdy. Thanks for this awesome plugin! Keep up the good work. I have a question. Is there a way to use bendy lib and do bendy animations? Thanks!

Hi Nerdy! i would like to ask you if you know a way to change the player model by an other one for exemple an entity and animate this entity with custom animations?

Submitted by Faruk Arda on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 00:33 Permalink

I want to make space mod and I have a dimension called space; but the sky looks bad even though I set the time to be night all the time in the space dimension. Since there is still a moon on the sky. The resion I am telling you this is because you made some of the best MCreator plugins. So culd you please make a MCreator plugin that lets you change the sky (like on a biome or a dimension). Also my mod is on MCreator 2022.2; so I would be happy if you made the plugin for MCreator 2022.2 too.

Submitted by Faruk Arda on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 00:33 Permalink

Does the items and the armor on the player gets rendered on the player? The resin that I am asking about this is I want to add custom fighting animations for my custom weapons. (like the better combat mod)

hey for some reason my animations dont play and i think the root cause is my animation type
all im doing rn is saving the geo.json to my player animations folder and doing the rest as you said
could you specify more about the process of creating animations?