Better Creatures

Published by D4ark001 on
Upvotes: 4
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In development
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If you want a new adventure with creatures never seen before download this mod and enjoy yourself.


You will see in this mod :




-Dwarf Werewolf





-Japig (5 colors)

-Saci (Brazilian Folklore)




-Ammit (Egyptian Demon)





-Sugitoite (A blend of Benitoite and Sugilite)



-Sugilite Sword

-Benitoite Sword

-Sugitoite Sword


So far this is it, I hope you like it, I'll bring some updates soon.


Minecraft mod files
BetterCreatures.jar Uploaded on: 12/19/2018 - 10:32   File size: 184.99 KB

Looks very good and original, I will hopefully try it once I get home! I especially like Ammit mob- great Idea and would you mind if I would inspire and add it into my mod too? Not your Ammit, I would make one myself :D

Have a great day, God loves you <3

Bro, i didn't create him, he is a being from egyptian mythology, so feel free to do something like that. thanks a lot for the compliment. at the moment i'm taking a break from minecraft, but if you want i have several mobs ideas, anything call.

Good mod :D, I just tried it :D
Some mobs are very strong (for ex. ammit)
Overall good mod :D ! My favorite mob is Koala :)
Have a great day, brother...keep up the good work ;) You have a great potencial within
God loves you <3

good mod but you could add maticores (and that can be tamed), also tigers, zebras, camels, koalas, grizzly, Hyena and collotes