Carboniferous Revival

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Status as of 5/17/2024

Carboniferous Revival was my first large mod that I've dedicated many hours in planning and developing, but I feel like it has reached a point that I am happy with. It might not be perfect, and if I could go back I might have changed a few things, but I am happy with it. It was a lot of fun making it and I learned a lot about paleontology, geology, and MCreator. I plan on making more paleontology/geology era themed mods that are generally not made for Minecraft, and I might even revisit the Carboniferous. For now, I hope that those who have played with this mod have and are enjoying it. Thank you for downloading and playing it. All the best, -CarbonCopy

Welcome to the Carboniferous

The creation of this mod was not only inspired by my love for the Carboniferous Age, but the Carboniferous Mod that released for Minecraft 1.5.2.

Travel back to a prehistoric age where the earth was filled with swamps and rainforests. Build a portal out of coal blocks and craft a time rod using an iron ingot, clock, and diamond! Venture through the understory of lepidodendron forests, dredge through Calamities swamps, and trek vast fields of charred forest. Discover life amongst the ferns in the form of arthropleura, a massive ancestor of millipedes, or the horseshoe-crab like hibbertopterus. Uncover what this ancient world has to offer you and don't be afraid to get your feet wet!

This mod is centered around the new Carboniferous Dimension. To travel to the carboniferous, build a portal frame out of coal blocks and activate it using a time rod. It adds six new biomes, mobs, ores, and more. Also included are ambient sounds to fully immerse you in the ancient swamps. Though if you do not like the sound of flying insects, this mod may not be for you. If requested I will be happy to upload a separate, 'no ambience' version.

This mod features a brand new dimension, the prehistoric Carboniferous Period, 5 new biomes including Peat Bog, Carboniferous Desert, Coastal Swamp, Upland Forest, and Charred Forest. These biomes are home to 32 new mobs including icons of the Carboniferous Age like the Meganeura and Arthropleura as well as lesser known species like Bandringa and Fedexia. There are also new tools and armor to craft including the Rock Hammer and Shark Tooth Dagger, you can also upgrade your Diamond Armor using pearls. 


When you travel back to the Carboniferous age, you can find fossils from the Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian time periods. Use the fossils you find to build your own natural history museum. This mod introduces two new villager roles, the Paleontologist.

MuseumCarboniferous AmphibiansCarboniferous SynapsidsCarboniferous FishAquatic ArthropodsFlying ArthropodsTerrestrial ArthropodsOther

Additional Photos

Paleontology Lab

Paleontology Lab

Showcase of some of the blocks and decorations available in the mod. 

Carboniferous Sample Home

Carboniferous Portal

Carboniferous Portal

Split Sigillaria Tree

Split Sigillaria Tree

Just some of the 40 fossils that you can find in the Carboniferous 

Carboniferous Fossils

Eurypterid Display

Eurypterid Display

Prototaxites Display

Prototaxites Display

Dunkleosteus Skulls

Dunk Skulls

New Geology

New Geology

New decorative panes

Carboniferous Panes

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Let me know if you have any issues.

Modification files
carboniferous_revival-1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 12/26/2023 - 22:09   File size: 7.5 MB
carboniferous_revival-1.0.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/30/2023 - 05:59   File size: 7.49 MB
carboniferous_revival-1.0.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/01/2024 - 03:43   File size: 7.6 MB
carboniferous_revival-1.0.4.jar - NEWEST RELEASE Uploaded on: 02/24/2024 - 03:59   File size: 7.65 MB

Version Coal (release)

  • Uploaded mod

Known issues, bugs, and the like:

  • Currently unable to sleep in the carboniferous, I would like to change this
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations
  • Coquina glass does not allow light to pass through it
  • Fences and walls do not link with each other

Version Coal 1.1.1

New Additions

  • Added cordiate  forest biome
  • Added asolanus grove biome

    -added an alternative scaffolding recipe and fuel with asolanus poles

  • Added charred trees to the ashen forest biome
  • Added club moss plants
  • Added new mobs: fedexia, attercorpus, and mesothelae
  • Added coquina glass door
  • Added two new arrow recipes
  • Added compost values to all small plants and asolanus poles
  • Added barrel and composter recipes for all the new wood types
  • Gave pulmonoscorpious, meganeura, and meganisoptera unique drops

Changes/bug fixes

  • Crassigyrinus, Meganeura, Ophiacodon, and Pulmonoscorpious will now attack the player outright
  • Changed asteroxylon storage crate sound to wood instead of dirt
  • Fixed coquina glass so that light now passes through it
  • Fixed fences, gates, and walls so that they link to each other

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Coal 1.1.2

New Additions

  • Added Gneiss; Tile, stairs, slab, and walls
  • Added Gypsum; stairs, slab, walls
  • Added Coquina Brick stairs, slab, and walls
  • Added Plagioclase Feldspar; stairs, slab, walls
  • Added Yellow, Red, and Black shale; stairs, slab, walls
  • Added Decorative Amphoras; basic, lepidodendron, trilobite


  • Removed paste recipes for tiled blocks
  • Paste is now used to craft alternative concrete powder recipes, using four paste blocks and one dye
  • When crafting pearl or pyrite lamps, you will now only receive one lamp rather than four
  • Balanced Biome rarity

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Coal 1.1.3

New Additions

  • Added smooth gypsum; stairs, slab, walls
  • Added a new mob; stethacanthus (table-head shark) spawns in Silurian Beds biome
  • Added a loot table for the fedexia box
  • Added unique drop for orthaceras; a shell that crafts four paste
  • Added Silurian fossils (ore); cameroceras, conodont, lobed fin fish, jawless fish, eurypterid, crinoid, trilobite, brachiopod


  • Fixed gypsum texture so that there is not a translucent pixel in bottom right of the texture anymore
  • Fixed clipping issue with the orthaceras' head/shell
  • Changed the icon of the Carboniferous Redstone tab to a lepidodendron pressure plate

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Mississippian 1.1.1

New Additions

  • Added Paleontology Creative Tab
  • Added a new biome; Devonian Beds
  • Added Devonian Fossils
  • Added some fossil lab goodies; dunkleosteus skulls, lab table, specimen cabinet, and microscope
  • Added bicolored shale to Devonian Beds Biome


  • Made Silurian fossils more common
  • Made the Stethacanthus spawn in water
  • Orthoceras will now only spawn in "Saltwater" biomes; Devonian and Silurian Beds

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Mississippian 1.1.2

New Additions

  • Glass Mug
  • Carboniferous Coffee
  • Fiddlehead Tea
  • Added Marble block; stairs, slab, wall
  • Added Polished Marble; stairs, slab, wall
  • Added Red and Grey Scoria blocks
  • Added Riverstones block
  • Added Lava Block
  • Added Lava Tile Block; stairs, slab, wall, pressure plate
  • Added large Fiddlehead Plant
  • Added Pederpes and Eucritta mobs
  • Added a new food; synapsid steak
  • Added Volcanic Forest biome


  • Updated Time Rod texture
  • Changed 'Carboniferous Miscellaneous' tab icon to the peat item texture
  • Removed the compressor block
  • Changed Asolanus Grove Textures

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Pennsylvanian 1.1.1

Updated for Minecraft 1.19.4

New Additions

  • Added Rock Hammer Tool - Digs fossils faster
  • Added Silurian Moss block
  • Added the Paleontologist Villager Profession - Craft a Paleontologist's Workbench using 1 lab table, 1 microscope, 1 specimen cabinet, and 1 rock hammer
  • Added Paleontologist's Workbench Block
  • Added Spondylus Shell Block
  • Added Orange, Purple, and Red Spondylus Shells - alternative sources of dye


  • Changed the Carboniferous Tools Tab Icon to the Rock Hammer
  • Changed the Riverstones sound
  • Changed the Coquina Texture
  • Changed the Mesothelae and Attercorpus speed
  • Changed the Mesothelae and Attercorpus base mob from spider to undefined; will no longer spawn skeletons in the Carboniferous Period

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Pennsylvanian 1.1.4

New Additions 

  • Added silk
  • Added silk block
  • Added dyed silk for all vanilla Minecraft dyes
  • Added Precambrian, Cambrian, and Ordovician Rocks


  • Changed drops of Attercorpus and Mesothelae to silk
  • Alternative scaffold recipe using the Asolanus Poles now requires 1 silk instead of 1 sting
  • Changed the texture for ancient limestone, all of its variants and ores
  • Renamed all peridot items to Olivine
  • Olivine no longer spawns in ancient limestone, it can now only be found in lava blocks in the volcanic forest or ashen forest biomes
  • Changed Carboniferous Blocks tab icon from Ancient Limestone Block to Carboniferous Grass Block

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations

Version Lepidodendron 1.1.1

New Additions
-devonian fossil tray: craft using 1 of each; placoderm fossil, dunkleoasteus skull fragment, tiktaalik fossil, jawless fish fossil, brachiopod fossil, lungfish fossil, lobed-fined fish fossil, icthyostega fossil, and hyneria fossil

-added asolanus block; stairs, slab, window
-added a recipe for ladders using asolanus poles. Player will receive 6 ladders using this recipe rather than the vanilla 3
-added the Devonian museum display case, craft with 3 iron ingots, 3 Devonian fossil trays, and 3 coquina glass blocks
-added the exhibit designer table
-added the exhibit designer villager profession
-added four paintings by Charles R. Knight
-added a Devonian fossil block that replaces Ancient Limestone, found in the Devonian Beds biome
-added prototaxites fossil to silurian and devonian fossil rosters
-added ammonite fossils to the silurian fossil roster
-added sigillaria tree that spawns throughout the Carboniferous Biomes, fiber, stairs, slab, window
-added pyrite window
-added mica block and item, used as an alternative source of redstone and has a mica window recipe
-added plant debris block - can be used for a weak fuel, but is a great source of compost
-added small, medium, and large cycad trees that spawn throughout the Carboniferous Biomes

-changed name of the mod from "Carboniferous Revival" to "Coal Age"
-the Carboniferous Time Period now has dense fog, changed the sky or fog color of several biomes to fit the new aethestic
-changed all of the slab recipes, so that the player receives 6 rather than 4 slabs when crafted.
-changed the carboniferous lead recipe, the recipe is the same, 4 silk and 1 paste, however the player will now receive 2 leads rather than 4
-player can no longer craft the trilobite display case. The only way to obtain it is through the paleontologist villager
-the trilobite display case now gives off light
-Made the Eucritta's shadow smaller
-Gave the Pederpes sounds
-Paleontologist villager no longer sells the Trilobite Display Case at Master level. The Trilobite Display Case can now be purchased from the Exhibit Designer at Novice.
-Changed Devonian Sandstone and fossil block Textures
-Changed the behavior of Devonian and Silurian moss and charred peat blocks to grass.
-Changed density of ash effects in Ashen Forest Biome
-Changed the underwater block of Calamities Forest, Lepidodendron Forest, Lycopod Forest, Dense Lepidodedndron Forest, and Cordiate Forest to Plant Debris
-Removed 'Fossil' music disk
-Asteroxylon now only spawns in the Silurian Beds biome
-Greatly increased the amount of plant life that spawns in the Carboniferous Period

Known issues and bugs

  • Aquatic mobs do not die on land
  • As of now, none of the mobs have animations


  • Changed the name of the mod back to 'Carboniferous Revival' - will change the title image soon.

Version Walchia 1.1.1

-Added Precambrian fossil block, along with 9 unique Precambrian fossils
-Added Cambrian fossil block, along with 8 unique Cambrian fossils
-Added Ordovician fossil block, 6 unique Ordovician fossils
-Stethacanthus will now drop a shark tooth, which could be used to craft arrows
-Added Raw and Fried Calamari food, raw calamari is dropped by Orthoceras
-Added an Ammonite Museum Display block, craft using 1 ammonite fossil and 2 iron ingots
-Added Bandringa shark mob
-Added Acanthodes fish mob
-Added Pholiderpeton amphibian mob
-Added Elder Hibbertopterus eurypterid mob
-Added Raw and Cooked Prehistoric Fish Filets
-Added Young Club Moss
-Added two alternative lever recipes, craft with one ancient limestone and one stick or craft with one ancient limestone and one asolanus pole to get two levers
-Added an alternative flower pot recipe using paste
-Added an alternative sticky piston recipe using paste
-Added an alternative magma cream recipe using paste
-Added Ordovician, Cambrian, and Precambrian fossils into the Paleontologist's Trades
-Added Black Pearls
-Added Brachiopod Block, drops common and legendary brachiopods, which give you pearls and black pearls
-Added Enamel Glass, along with colors for each of the dyes. These are crafted using 1 enamel, 1 dye, and 1 coquina glass
-Added Amphibian Meat, which is now dropped by Eryops, Pholiderpeton, Baphetes, Crassigyrinus, and Pederpes

-Rearranged creative tab items
-Removed Peridot tools and armor
-Removed Chitin tools and armor
-Changed Peridot Block, Pyrite Block, and Pyrite Bricks sounds
-Scorpion Telsons now craft 2 arrows and Ophiacodon Fangs now craft 4 arrows
-Changed the textures of some mobs to fit the environment and theme more; Ophiacodon, Pulmonoscorpious, Mesothelae, Baphetes, Crassigyrinus, and Arthropleura
-Changed the texture of the following items to have them fit the new colors of the mobs which dropped them; Chitin and Scorpion Telson
-Fixed spelling of 'Orthoceras'
-Orthoceras now drops orthoceras shells
-Gave Ophiacodon a loot table, they will now drop Ophiacodon Fangs and Synapsid Meat
-Gave Orthoceras a loot table, they will now drop Orthoceras Shells and Raw Calamari
-Toned down the color of the club moss, large club moss, cycad, large cycad, fiddlehead fern, large fiddlehead fern, and asteroxylon to have them fit better into the environment
-Changed the texture of the moss block in Silurian Beds
-Fossilferous Limestone Block no longer drops nautilus shells
-Removed Nautilus Storage Crate, and nautilus shell paste recipe
-Changed the texture of the Paste Block and item
-The player can no longer pass through the Paste Block
-Shovels are now the most effective tool to destroy Paste Blocks
-Orthoceras Shells now give 4 paste
-Changed height of Lepidodendron Trees, they are not 32 blocks tall
-Lepidodendron Trees are now shaped like savanna trees
-Changed the fog color of the Lepidodendron Forests to be a dull olive green
-Changed Primordial Soup Recipe, now requires bowl, cooked fiddlehead, cooked arthropod, cooked prehistoric fish filet, cooked tully monster, cooked worm, and cooked synapsid
-Eryops now has a new model, texture and model
-Trilobites no longer drop pearls, they now drop arthropod meat
-Redstone no longer spawns in the Carboniferous Period
-Lapis Lazuli only spawns in the Silurian Beds biome
-Completely re-worked biomes. Added new tree structures and default Mcreator biome trees are no longer a part of this mod.
       New Biomes:
       Carboniferous Desert
       Lush Swamp
       Charred Forest
       Devonian Beds
       Silurian Beds

Known Bugs and Issues:
Aquatic mobs do not die on land
As of now, none of the mobs have animations
You will encounter floating tree structures at this time

Version 1.20.1

  • Updated the mod for Forge 1.20.1
  • Added 'alloy' a material used for making museum displays, alloy sheets and alloy rods
  • Added Tiktaalik Display, a cabinet displaying a model of the Devonian species Tiktaalik
  • Added Eurypterid Display, a stand displaying two Eurypterids swimming above a reef
  • Added a Silurian Fossil tray
  • You'll find some logs in the Creative Menu that currently do not spawn naturally in the Carboniferous Period Dimension

Version 1.0.0

-Added Eurypterid Museum Display
-Added Silurian Fossil Tray
-Added Decorative Plant
-Added Alloy as a new material to make exhibits. Craft Alloy Ingredients by combining hematite, enamel, and mica. You can only smelt them using a Blast Furnace.
      -alloy ingot
      -alloy rod
      -alloy sheet
-Added Poly Foam, a material used to make museum models. Craft using chitin, paste, cycad thatch block, and silk.
-Added Specimen Stand, used to craft museum displays
-Added Tiktaalik Display
-Added Woodwardopterus, eurypterid species
-Added Gerarus, a large Carboniferous insect
-Added Mazothairos, a giant flying insect that rivaled the famous Meganeura in size
-Added Megarachne, the freshwater eurypterid
-Added Ianthasaurus, a small edaphasaur-like synapsid
-Added Petrolacosaurus, an early reptile
-Added Diadectes, a large synapsid-like reptile
-Added Iberospondylus, a large aggressive salamander-like amphibian
-Added Steamed Brachipod food item
-Added custom sounds to several synapsid and amphibian mobs
-Added new Stamnostoma, Diaphorodendron, and Lepidopholios wood (trees will come later)
-Added Ancient Sandstone blocks, stairs, slabs, and walls
-Added Asolanus Bow, craft with 3 asolanus poles and 3 silk
-Added Pyrite tools (Slightly better than stone tools)
-Added Grey and Red Scoria Brick Blocks

-The Player no longer needs to rely on a Villager to access larger/special museum exhibits. All exhibits and displays are now craftable in the Crafting Table.
-New recipe for Devonian Museum Case which includes alloy materials and requires less fossils
-New recipe for the Microscope, Lab Table, and Specimen Cabinet which includes use of alloy materials
-Removed the Exhibit Designer Table and Villager Role
-Prototaxites Model now has a crafting recipe
-Ammonite Fossil Display now has a crafting recipe
-Updated items that you can get from the Fedexia Box
-Removed Mesothelae, there was no giant carboniferous spider, but there was several eurypterid species!
-Removed exhibit signs
-Removed ambient swamp and wasteland sounds
-Completely revamped biomes, changed generation, tree spawns, names.
-Changed 'Devonian Beds' name to Upland Forest
-Changed 'Silurian Beds' name to Coastal Swamp
-Upland Forest is not a "coastal" biome anymore, all oceanic entities spawn in the Coastal Swamp biome now.
-Changed texture of the portal

Version 1.0.1

-Added Magma Lamp blocks and walls, craft with one lava block, one torch, and one polyfoam

-Created custom textures for pyrite and ancient limestone tools
-Removed pearled diamond armor
-Removed Carboniferous cutlass sword
-Removed black pearls
-Removed legendary brachiopods
-Removed the Rock Hammer
-Lava blocks will now spawn in Coastal Swamps
-Precambrian, Cambrian, and Ordovician rock and fossils will once again spawn underground throughout the Carboniferous

Version 1.0.3

-Added Coal Forest biome
-Added Rayonnoceras, a cephalopod
-Added Typhloesus, a bizarre soft bodied animal
-Added Greererpeton, an aggresive eel-like amphibian
-Added a new creative tab 'Museum', this is where you can find all decorative museum blocks and items, labratory blocks, exhibit pieces, and more.
-Added Shallows block and wall, craft with one Coquina and one polyfoam
-Added Lab Vaccum Block
-Added Ventilation Block
-Added Lab Cabinet
-Added Boxed Fossil block

-Fixed spawns for all new rocks

Version 1.0.4

-Added Amphibian Armor, leather equivelant, but its more enchantable
-Added cooking recipes for Steamed Braciopod, cook brachiopods in furnaces, campfires, and smokers
-Added Olivine Tile Block
-Added Olivine Tools, even more efficient than gold, but only 600 uses
-Added a new creative tab "Carboniferous Spawn Eggs"

-Updated Pyrite Armor textures
-Pyrite Armor is now a iron armor equivelant
-Updated Amphibian Skin texture
-Renamed 'Paleontology' tab to 'Fossils'
-Moved the Ammonite Display and the Prototaxites Display to the Museum tab
-Renamed the Common Brachipod to Brachiopod
-Updated Olivine Crytal Texture, giving it a unique look
-Updated Olivine Block Texture, giving it a unique look
-Gerarus now drops insect wings rather than arthropod meat