Thirdlife RTS

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Inspired by old rts games, this mods brings strategy battles to your survival world. Tiny castles, towers and troops are waiting for your command. Choose your side: humans or piglins, select your color, build a small battle game map and start playing.

Features: 2 playable factions (humans and piglins) 7 premade maps

Human buildings and units

Piglin units and buildings

ahh!! meteor!!A tiny kingdomgrahh!!!

How to start: 

First, you'll have to craft some necessary items, such as Warmonger's Manual, Control Crystal, Command Staff, Builder's Mallet and a Game Master.

Warmonger's Manual contains a mod's brief guide, allows you to select your faction/color and place maps.

Prepare your own tiny battlemap with blocks. Keep in mind that you'll need gold to train units, and you must have a location for a gold mineshaft. Suitable blocks are: gold ore, deepslate gold ore, nether gold ore, gilded blackstone, gold block and raw gold block.

Then, select your starting locations by right-clicking with a mallet and build a castle. Protect your castle at all costs.

Place a game master and right-click on it. The game will begin. It will give you some gold for start and spawn 2 workers.

Select units with control crystal, move them around with command staff. Select location for a building and construct it with a builder's mallet. You can only build if there's a worker nearby. Gold mines can only be placed on gold-type blocks, mana extractors can only be placed on lapis block and lapis ore.

Barracks are used to train warriors and rangers. Towers attack enemy units within their distance, making them useful to defend your territories. Each farm increases yield of one gold piece by 0.33 and tax income by 0.5 Magic barracks are used to train sorcerers and tanks.

Every faction's sorcerer has a special attack with a long cooldown. Tanks have a big amount of health and prioritize attacking buildings over units.

Every faction has a worker, melee unit, ranged unit, magic unit and a tank. Humans have workers, knights, archers, wizards and golems Piglins have goons, brutes, crossbowers, pygromancers and hoglins.

If you want to end the match, right-click the Game Master again. Everything will disappear.

/rtsgivegold and /rtsgivemana allow you transfer gold/mana to your allies StartGoldAmount and WorkerAmount gamerules determine the amount of gold/workers given to players on match start.

Minecraft mod files
Thirdlife-rts-0.1.6.jar - Release Uploaded on: 07/18/2023 - 20:48   File size: 380.91 KB
Thirdlife-rts-0.2.0.jar - Biggest update so far. Warmonger's Manual overhaul, 7 playable maps, magic content and visual improvements Uploaded on: 08/29/2023 - 16:46   File size: 934.62 KB

Biggest update so far. Warmonger's Manual overhaul, 7 playable maps, mana extractors, magic barracks, sorcerers and tanks for every faction; commands and gamerules to customize the game; unit train menus visual overhaul

Just tested the mod. Models look nice but is it a multiplayer only mod ?
Because i cannot start a game alone

pls add ender faction and maybe change the mine material of Villagers to emerald since that would be a nice little detail