Prism Mod

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Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, Spring Green, etc ... These Colors and More Added ace wool this Mod, besides extra blocks to help decorate the house!
This Mod Adds 16 New Wool of All 8 Types of Clarity, Adding Up To 128 New Blocks!

It Also Adds Decoration Blocks Like: Maia Block, Lucky Block, Error Block, Transparent Block, Rainbow Wool (Without Animation) and Rainbow Wool (With Animation). 

Furthermore, It Adds 16 Colour Essencies and a New Sword!
(Tanks NickGamerGR for Translate! ^^)

Crafts Wools: All 16 new wool has this Craft and Examples used the Red  To move to the next clarities of wool is this craft, I used Red as an example again  Craft of the Rainbow Wool (No Animation)  Craft of The Rainbow Wool  Rainbow Dye

Craft Essences: Red Orange Yellow Lime Green Spring Green Cyan Turquoise Blue Amethyst Purple Magenta Pink Brown Black White

Craft Others:

Craft Sword: SWORD! 15 Damage

Modification files - 1.5 - MC 1.8.8 Uploaded on: 08/27/2016 - 18:47   File size: 1.1 MB - 1.0 - MC 1.8.8 - "Version Bugs!" Uploaded on: 10/09/2017 - 13:22   File size: 1.1 MB

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 01:19 Permalink

Just did a mod for this and im going to post it on youtube

Here's your first feedback!
The animated texture for the rainbow wool is not working, although the All.png and the All.png.mcmeta are ok. Also, from the description of the mod I understand that you don't know English very well, as it has a lot of errors. This is more correct:

This Mod Adds 16 New Wool of All 8 Types of Clarity, Adding Up To 128 New Blocks!
It Also Adds Decoration Blocks Like: Maia Block, Lucky Block, Error Block, Transparent Block, Rainbow Wool (Without Animation) and Rainbow Wool (With Animation).
Furthermore, It Adds 16 Colour Essencies, New Creative Menu Tabs and a New Sword!

I can't stand it! I'm born to be a bad looser! Pls don't kill me!

Congrats for the Mod of the week! Just noticed it now! Kinda remembers me of my mod... but its actually way better than mine... Yours has way more stuff!