Spiritual Come Back is a mod that allows you to return for your loot or your grave without taking too much risk along the way with the Spirit form!
Mod made with MCreator 2023.2
Note: This mod can be used to complement grave mods that contain items on death, such as "Corpse", "GraveStone Mod".
Important: This mod requires the Kleiders Custom Renderer API: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kleiders-custom-renderer-api
Description: Embark on an extraordinary journey of spiritual revival with the Spiritual Come Back mod! Experience a captivating adventure where death is but a temporary setback, and the realm of spirits beckons, offering unique advantages and supernatural protection.
Panicked Spirit Effect: []
Upon respawning, players are imbued with the Panicked Spirit effect for 120 seconds. As their mortal form temporarily fades, they take on a ghostly appearance, becoming ethereal beings. Swiftly navigating through the world, they are blessed with the effects of Speed II, Fire resistance and Slow fall, enabling them to swiftly return to their lost possessions.
New: Added config file, now you can modify all functions! find it in /config/SpiritualComeBack_config.json
Screenshot of the Panicked Spirit effect:
Spiritual Protection and Armor: In their spectral state, players must remain vigilant, for danger still lurks. If a player is attacked while embodying the Panicked Spirit, they receive the Spiritual Protection effect []. This ethereal safeguard, known as "Spiritual Armor," envelops them, providing a temporary armor set that lasts until they retrieve their belongings or the Panicked Spirit effect fades away. Spiritual Armor set (3 pieces): [
Screenshot of the Spiritual Defense effect:
The Enigmatic Spiritual Flower: [] At the place of a player's demise, a peculiar spirit flower blooms that exudes an otherworldly aura. This mystical flower clears all spiritual effects just by being near it, inviting players to test their destiny.
Screenshot of the Spiritual Flower:
Spooky Advantage or Mysterious Force: Breaking the spirit flower may reveal an unexpected boon or peril. A 50% chance bestows the Spooky Advantage effect, gifting players with 15 seconds of healing to mend their wounds and continue their quest. However, the fickle spirits decree that there is also a 5% chance of a "Mysterious Force" unsettling one's journey. This force lifts players into the air and lets them fall, their fate uncertain.
Available translations:
Link to curseforge: Spiritual Come Back (SCB) - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
- Added translations to 6 languages
- Added better compatibility with "Grave" mods
- Balance
- Optimizations
Spiritual Come Back 1.4 Changelog:
- Added configuration file (values, logic, probability)
- Fixed multiplayer render states
- Fixed multiplayer checkers
- Added fire resistance to panicked spirit form (configurable)
- Changed base duration of panicking spirit form to 120s (1min, configurable)
- Added sound to the spirit defense effect.
- Improved Chance Mechanic (%)
- Improved logic of potion duration.
Spiritual Come Back 1.5 changelog:
- Fixed a bug that allowed to obtain the Spirit Plant as if it were a dragon egg, added a database system to detect the plants and some blocks that can break the plant when they are under it, now there is a general variables that cover all the plant types (plains, desert, beach, cave, water, nether, crops).
- Added a detection parameter for all the coral blocks so they don't break the Spirit Plant when they are below of it
- The Spirit Plant now breaks the block below instead of placing a warped planks block when there is a breaker block.
- Added 7 Languages (Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Polish(pulled by @suckinsyn Van via GitHub), German, Japanese and Turkish.
Spiritual Come Back 1.6 changelog (changes for only 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 at the moment)
- Added Water Breathing effect to the Panicked Spirit state (this can be turn off or be configured in the config file)
- Updated the config file
- Ported to 1.19.4 and 1.20.1
Spiritual Come Back 1.6.1 changelog (changes for only 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 at the moment)
- Small bugfix, there was a little but that cause the plant instant break underwater, now it fixed
Congrats on MOTW!! you deserve it :)