Lord of Banner: Warden Madness

Published by Erdmen on
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1.6 Features: Air force added to warden army: Warminion

 fixed wargirl's some problems with the attack. little texture correction


 1.5 Features:

 All blocks textures update, warcoin textures change

 Bluking's health and attack increased


     Epic Wars Begin


Collect Coins


Find Villages and New Villages


Right Click on Villager or Wander Trader with 10xCoin and expand your army


Craft All Troops Banner


Right Click Troops Banner For Send Troops in Banner


Right Click on a Block With Troops Banner For Summon 10 soldier 


102x102 Massive Blue Army Castles


Special Village Generate According to Terrain (if village's nearby water can generate a ship)  



    Call soldier system:

If you have 12 swordman and 5 double swordman in a banner

When right clicked on block summon 10 swordman and 5 double swordman. one more click for another 2 swordman 

Every banner has own troop memory can give your soldiers to another friend or put in a chest


     WarCoin and coin bundle system 

You Can find coin in mobs lootchest and lootbag

Lootchest in enemy castles or new villages

Lootbag in Lootchest or you can buy from Trader Girl (75 coin)

Every 50 coin item automaticly convert 5 the more valuable item in inventory (etc 50 coin turn 5 10Xcoin)

10X coin can use on wonder trader(can find on new villages) and villager ,and they become swordman. 

You can craft bundle with a leather helmet and string(shapeless)

If you right click with bundle, all coins in inventory send to in this bundle. You can give and save in chest bundle with coin

    Soldier upgrade system

You need upgrader block (only find in new village) troops banners and bundle

Put in banner and bundle in their slots and click on upgrade buttons

Not necessarily put all three banner (etc: you upgrade swordman to archer you dont need put horse troops banner)

Every upgrade cost coin in bundle. Prices write on GUI


    Warden Army

When warden come out from underground. Summon terrifying army.


 WarThing: Can be driven by Warden Defender and Wargirl (you can ride to if you can :D)

 Warden Defender: High defans melee creature

 Wargirl: She has terrible soundblast weapon. Bullets can pass through in entity and damage multiple entity (not damage warden army)

 WarSnake: Standart melee creature rarely came out



All banners has use cooldown

You can craft all Banners   


 Troops Banners: Right click on air collect every soldier in 48 block area. Right click on block summon them

 Boost Banners: Right click on air give you and your army regeneration, resistance, strength and speed. LV2 banner give more power. delete warden's blind effect

 Warp Banner: Right click on block banner take coordinate in memory and right click on air teleport you this coordinate



 Champions are different. You can carry one champion in troop banner

 If you want more champion you need more banner 

 If you want call back champion to troop banner. Right click to champion with banner (champions listen follow me command ( press C))



 You can buy Trader Girl with 250 coin (red hair) 

 If you build in world a catapult you cant take back

 You can ride and chance catapult direction 

 Catapult auto throw stone bullet

 When Catapult bullet contact to obsidian , obsidian may destroy %20 probable


  Army Shed

 You can buy with new trader girl cost 30000 warcoin

 Shed slowly spawn in swordman and archer 


Lite version for low level PC. 1/3 blue castle and new village generate speed and 1/3 amount blue soldier in blue castles


1.3.3 Features:


 Only this :D

1.3.2 version features:

Archer level 3, crossbow troop added

Archer upgrader block added for level 3 archer troop

Archer banner call troop limit 15 now 

Lootbag warlord set loot remove and army set added 

Follow me command is now use new mcreator find path AI system

new block Army shed added

upgrade blocks and gui textures updated 

blue castle not generate under coordinate Y 60 (like deep water generate)

added new pictures

New 1.3.1 version features:

First level 3 troop added in swordman banner

2 new village house added. one house has new block swordman upgrade for level 3 troop

Swordman banner call troop limit 15 now

red village house occurrence height coordinate limit is 95 now

new images

New 1.2 version features:

-Blue Castle, Red Village, Wartower chance of occurrence is reduced

-Blue Castle and Red village structures not occur at coordinates higher than y 85

-Added 2 new houses to  village

-Texture improvement for some blocks

-New red castle you found in villagers and soldiers

New 1.1 version features:

-wardens army earn big buff (not wargirl, she's already too strong)

-warsnake's attacks has more strong poison and wither effect  

-Warden Warlord armor loot chance increased

-follow me command is back press C button for your army follow you

-Lite version Blue Castle army amount more reduced

Added 1.18.2 version (wardenless) 




old version



Minecraft mod files
LoBWardenMadness1.20.1_1.6.jar Uploaded on: 11/04/2023 - 00:08   File size: 2.27 MB
LoBWardenMadness1.19.4_1.6.jar Uploaded on: 11/04/2023 - 00:08   File size: 2.28 MB
LoBWardenMadness1.19.2_1.5.jar Uploaded on: 04/25/2023 - 21:48   File size: 2.25 MB

New 1.2 version features:

-Blue Castle, Red Village, Wartower chance of occurrence is reduced

-Blue Castle and Red village structures not occur at coordinates higher than y 85

-Added 2 new houses to  village

-Texture improvement for some blocks

-New red castle you found in villagers and soldiers


New 1.1 version features:

-wardens army earn big buff (not wargirl, she's already too strong)

-warsnake's attacks has more strong poison and wither effect  

-Warden Warlord armor loot chance increased

-follow me command is back press C button for your army follow you

-Lite version Blue Castle army amount more reduced