Attributes (Nerdy edition)

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
Java plugin
MCreator plugin
Upvotes: 37
About the plugin

This is just an updated version of the attributes plugin by Azzier, which I will continue to maintain until the author can work on the plugin again. Switching between this and the original version of the plugin should not be a problem. Though this might not stay the case in the future as it seems the author is not coming back.


Item modifier procedures can only be used with the calculating attribute modifiers trigger. If not, they cause a build error.



-Ported to 2024.2 and neoforge 1.20.6
-Item modifier procedures are no longer deprecated, along with the attribute modifiers event
-The add modifier to item procedure that did not require the event is now deprecated
-Removed old bugged attributes from the attribute selection datalist
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads
2.3.8 (MCreator 2023.4 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 16:41   File size: 96.32 KB
2.3.8 (MCreator 2024.1 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 04/13/2024 - 04:32   File size: 109.6 KB
2.4 (MCreator 2024.2 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 07/20/2024 - 09:35   File size: 64.56 KB


It seems to be some issues with the attribute: "STEP_HEIGHT_ADDITION" in 1.20.4

Nerdy, Please need a help! So the Add or remove modifier block is working as intended but can you please tell me how can I make those only "Add" modifier blocks work? I'm new to the mcreator... what does "Deprecated - Use attribute modifiers for item" means. Please help

I have been trying to find a mod like this for so long so , are you going to update this plugin (not saying you to hurry it) because I would LOVE to use this in my upcoming projects

Also all the "Get value of attribute" base, non-base, modded, internal doesn't matter they all seem to be broken and just keep returning null with a custom attribute.

I don't know if you read these comments Nerdy but if you do please can you fix these 2 issues I've mentioned even if it isn't your code.

The Data List on the block "Remove modifier with UUID from an entity" only include Vanilla entries and not modded ones from the plugin.

I think i fixed the issue on attribute modifiers in items
you can check it in my last post how i managed to add it to items without breaking anything and works even if there are multiples modifiers for the single attribute.
If you can check it here is the code, pretty easier to use and hope it helps you.
is my first code in java

Hey this might be a dumb question but I'm not at my PC right now so I just want to check. Is there any way to change reach with this plugin, since its technically a attribute afaik, it would be incredibly useful for me.

Im sorry to keep it up but i think i found the issue
Im not sure if you can look directly into the code but the bug of all attributes getting deleted seems to occur when you use UUIDMost UUIDLeast (or even maybe just a typo when merging data)
I know this because i replicate the same result when using commands, ended up with an armor piece with broken attributes as here. If you can see it maybe it will be a nice idea to try

Update: I checked the code of the plugin and i think i found the issue
The plugin uses UUID.fromString() to add the UUID to an attribute, i tested this with commands in creative and found out that this cause the same issue of other attributes getting deleted (even the "When on main hand:" text), this might be because UUID.fromString returns a hexadecimal representation of the UUID but only the integer array UUID seems to work in minecraft (no idea why was this working before but it looks like just minecraft decided to not work with hexadecimal anymore)
You can test this yourself with commands using /data modify
If you can modify this to just convert the UUID string directly into integer-array format this plugin will work again

so i tried this plugin in hopes it would work but looks like it doesnt
whenever i try to add a modifier to an item, it breaks all others attributes the item has and in the end gives nothing.
I have no idea why does this happen but it is happening since they changed the way modifiers were added to items
I would like to know if there is a fix to this