The Lunar Undead [TLU]

Published by Ali107 on
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The Lunar Undead or TLU for short, is a horror mod in which your goal is to become the Lunar King.


This mod is made as a submission for MCreative's Discord Modjam.


If you liked my mod, please upvote! :)


Main Features:


1. Lunar Undead mobs:

Image of a Zombie that is a Lunar-Undead

Most Undead mobs in-game have a 4% chance of spawning as a Lunar-Undead mob. Lunar Undead mobs are immune to fire and have resistance and strength buffs. They also move around faster and get stronger when it is a full moon night. Undead mobs that can spawn as Lunar-Undead: Zombies, Skeletons (All variants), Wither Skeletons, Phantoms, Zombie Piglins, and Zoglins. Killing a Lunar-Undead mob will drop Lunar Essence which is used for various recipes.




2. The Lunar Wraith and Lunar Peak:

Lunar Wraith

Lunar Wraiths are mysterious, and will always spawn as a lunar-undead mob. Most of the time, they'd look translucent but if you catch them at the right time, they would become opaque and have a glowing effect. The time that Lunar Wraiths become opaque and glow is called a Lunar Peak, which is the Time in which it is midnight while it is a Full Moon. Lunar Wraiths are rare to find, so you don't have to worry about them too much. Lunar Invasions also exist, which have a 1% chance of occurring at the beginning of a full moon night. It makes a lot of undead mobs spawn as lunar undead (50% by default), makes players unable to sleep, and Lunar Undead mobs get even stronger and faster, like Lunar Peak.




3. The Mysterious Being-M:


Using the Lunar Essence gathered by killed lunar undead mobs, you could make Lunar Magma Blocks in a T-shaped golem pattern to summon a boss mob, which is called Being-M. You can only summon Being-M at a Lunar Peak and you can fight it up until right before Sunrise before it disappears while laughing. Being-M drops an item called "Lunar Energy Core", which is used to make Lunar Ingot.



4. Lunar King's Armor and Weapons:

Lunar King's Armor and Weapons

Using the Lunar Ingot mentioned before, you can craft Lunar King's armor, Lunar King's Sword, and Lunar King's Dagger. The Lunar King's Dagger is used in the process of turning yourself into an Undead Player. You can use the dagger to inflict yourself with Lunar Curse, which if you get killed by an undead mob, you'd turn into an undead player which gives night vision, but makes you burn in Sunlight if not wearing any helmet cover. Burning to death as an Undead player will return you back to a normal player.



5. Awakening as a Lunar King:

A Player that just has awakened as a Lunar King.

As an undead player, you'd climb to the sky, with armor fit for a king in a Lunar Peak will turn you into a Lunar King. Awakening as a Lunar King will damage worn armor into having only 1 durability per piece of armor. As a Lunar King, you'd gain the same Lunar Powers as all other Lunar Undead mobs, but like Lunar Wraiths and Being-M, you'd also have a small chance of teleporting behind whoever attacked you.



6. Items and Anti-Lunar Potions:

Items and Potions

These are all the ingredient and potion items in-game. There's also Anti-Lunar Potion. To craft that potion, you have to get Silvery Iron Ingot with Awkward Potion. The Anti-Lunar Potion can disable the resistance and strength buffs of Lunar-Undead mobs if applied to them, though it won't work on Lunar Kings and Being-M. You'd have to make a stronger version of the potion (Anti-Lunar II) in order to affect Lunar Kings and Being-M. The stronger version of the Anti-Lunar Potion can also inflict damage to lower-level Lunar Undead mobs, like zombies (must be a lunar undead), lunar wraiths, etc. 





Questions & Answers:


Q1) Does this support versions 1.16.5 / 1.12.2 / 1.18.2 / 1.19.2?

A1) No, it doesn't.


Q2) When is the Fabric version?

A2) I'm sorry little one... (translation: no.)


Q3) Can I use it in a modpack?

A3) Sure, why not? It's free advertising.


Q4) Can I upload a let's play video on this mod?

A4) Sure, why not? It's free advertising. (2.0)


Q5) Where can I report bugs?

A5) Either leave it in the comments section or contact me on Discord.


Q6) Will there be updates?

A6) Probably there will be updates, but I won't promise anything.


Q7) What is the best strategy for dealing with Lunar Undead mobs?

A7) Avoid them until you get at least full iron gear, then you can start fighting them.


Q8) What game mode should I play first?

A8) I recommend playing survival mode for the best experience.


Q9) How do I craft XX item/block?

A9) Either discover them yourself or use mods like JEI.


Q10) Where is ALIT: Magitech?!

A10) ALIT: Magitech will come someday, just wait for now since it will be many times larger than ALIT: Sunlight Zombie. Join the Discord server for more information (the invite link can be found at the start of the mod description)


Q11) How are you?

A11)  Bread 👍



Minecraft mod files
TLU-1.20.1-1.1.1.jar - Latest 1.20.1 Version Uploaded on: 11/21/2023 - 21:48   File size: 611.91 KB



  • Lunar Invasion will now begin when a player awakens as a new lunar king.
  • Lunar Essence sold to Cleric Villagers is now worth 6 emeralds per essence.
  • Updated "I am the new Lunar King" advancement description.
  • Fixed a bug where Lunar King players couldn't sleep in a Lunar Invasion.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't awaken as Lunar King anytime in a lunar invasion.
  • Fixed a bug where Being-M disappears in the first half of a Lunar Invasion when summoning them.
  • Fixed an inconsistency related to what time the mod counts as daytime.



  • Added Lunar Invasion (1% chance per full moon night): Lunar Undead mobs get stronger & faster, a lot of Lunar Undead mobs spawn, and players can't sleep until daytime.
  • Added /lunarinvasion command (starts/ends lunar invasions)
  • Added "LunarInvasionLUSpawnChance" gamerule. (defaullt=50%)
  • Added "LunarInvasionChance" gamerule. (default=1%)
  • Zoglins and Zombie Piglins now count as lunar undead.
  • Replaced "allowLunarPeakTint" gamerule with "allowTLUScreenTinting"
  • Changed TLU main advancement icon.



  • Lunar Wraiths will no longer spawn in the nether or the end.
  • Lunar Wraiths are slightly less likely to spawn naturally.
  • Lunar Wraiths will fly around faster in the air.
  • Updated in-game mod description.



  • Reduced cost to craft Lunar Magma Block
  • Increased defaultLUSpawnChance to 4%
  • Increased lunarPeakLUSpawnChance to 8%



  • First Release.

Oh no. As if a sunlight zombie wasn't enough...