Mystical Power Crystals [MPC]

Published by Ali107 on
Upvotes: 6
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The Mystical Power Crystals [MPC] mod adds many unique abilities gained from breaking power crystals.


  • It is recommended to play this mod in multiplayer, even better if it is in a modpack! :)


If you liked my mod, please upvote! :)


Main Features/Description:


1. Power Crystals and Tower Dungeons

Tower Dungeon

There are Tower Dungeons scattered all over the world. Those dungeons are filled with 3 types of skeletons: Poison Skeleton, Armored Skeleton, and Knockback Skeleton. These three skeletons are vanilla skeletons equipped with weapons, and armor that spawn inside these dungeons. Once you reach the chest inside, you'll find loot. Along with the loot, you will also find Power Crystal (1 crystal per dungeon).

Power Crystals when right-clicked, grants you a random unique ability from the many abilities it has to offer. Once you have the ability, it will stay with you until you die in-game. No two players in-game can have the same ability at the same time.


2. How to use your Ability?

When you obtain an ability, you can press [V] as the default key bind to cast your ability. Abilities consume Crystal Energy (CE), which varies depending on the ability you get. There's also a "Heavy" version you can cast. You must [sneak] and Press [V] to do a heavy cast. All abilities have a 1-second cooldown for normal cast and a 3-second cooldown for heavy cast. Every Player can have a maximum of 100 CE, which regenerates over time (2 CE/s).


3. Ability Names & description (26 abilities)

  • Fire: Allows you to shoot Fire that burns the place and be resistant to fire.
  • Explosion: Allows you to shoot projectiles that explode, and let you become resistant to explosions. (heavy version causes cluster explosion)
  • Powder Ice: Allows you to shoot snow, which can freeze the target, and place snow layers everywhere.
  • Static Shock: Allows you to shoot a slow beam that has a chance to stun mobs in place. (The heavy version has a 100% chance of stunning)
  • Arrow: Allows you to shoot multiple arrows at once, and make you immune to arrow attacks. (The heavy version shoots multiple arrows rapidly)
  • Water: Gives you water breathing, and dolphin's grace, while also allowing you to shoot a wave of water that can damage foliage.
  • Soap Bubble: Gives you the ability to spawn explosive soap bubbles, and make you immune to poison. (The heavy version spawns 4 bubbles at once)
  • Lifesteal: Gives you the ability to shoot a slow beam that when it hits a mob, it can slowly regenerate your health, while also damaging the target.
  • Berserking: A risky ability that grants speed and strength that slowly drains your CE until you run out, and start taking serious damage due to low CE.
  • Shadow Demon: Spawns a Shadow Demon companion that protects the ability user and attacks whoever tries to hurt its owner.
  • Lightness: Grants speed, and allows you to shoot fast, long-range light beams that can damage the target and have a 50% chance of burning the target.
  • Swordsman: Allows you to send ranged sword slashes towards your target, and damage varies depending on the sword base attack damage.
  • Wind: Grants fall damage immunity and the ability to dash forward, which can cause damage to the target.
  • Lightning: Grants lightning immunity and allows you to shoot sparks that deal damage. (If a mob receives a direct hit while thundering, it will summon lightning)
  • Cooker: Non-combat-based ability that allows you to cook the raw food in your hand. It also infuses the food with CE, which replenishes your energy when consumed.
  • Black Hole: Allows you to summon Black holes that pull surrounding entities and cause damage to them.
  • Bone Meal: Grants the ability to fertilize plants and crops surrounding you.
  • Healer: Allows you to heal mobs and players (yourself included), though undead mobs will take damage from using the ability on them.
  • Shield: Grants resistance against Swordsman ability attacks, and allows you to summon a protective crystal Shield orbiting you.
  • Smoke: Grants the ability to shoot blinding smoke that suffocates the target. (The heavy version does the same thing but AOE smoke instead of projectile)
  • Spatial: Grants low gravity and the ability to teleport in the look direction.
  • Weather: Grants the ability to control the weather.
  • Lava: Grants the ability to shoot lava, and be resistant to fire. (Can damage Fire Ability users)
  • Sandstorm: Grants the ability to summon Large Sandstorms that can destroy the place.
  • Atomic: Grants the ability to summon a line of small radioactive explosions. (heavy version summons one large nuclear explosion)
  • Mining: Allows you to send ranged pickaxe slashes toward your target, block to mine depends on pickaxe harvest level. (grants mining fatigue immunity and Haste II)


4. Crystal Stars / Alternative to Tower Dungeons

There is a really rare chance of Shooting stars at night time falling from the sky, so you must go to the crash site and mine what is called a "Crystal Star", which drops a Power Crystal, though they spawn very rarely, with around ~5% chance per night. (chances increase based on player count)




Questions & Answers:


Q1) Does this support versions 1.16.5 / 1.12.2 / 1.18.2 / 1.19.2?

A1) No, it doesn't.


Q2) When is the Fabric version?

A2) I'm sorry little one... (translation: no.)


Q3) Can I use it in a modpack?

A3) Sure, why not? It's free advertising.


Q4) Can I upload a let's play video on this mod?

A4) Sure, why not? It's free advertising. (2.0)


Q5) Where can I report bugs?

A5) Either leave it in the comments section or contact me on Discord.


Q6) Will there be updates?

A6) Probably there will be updates, but I won't promise anything.


Q7) How to get a Power Crystal?

A7) It is found in Tower Dungeon structures, go there to get a power crystal.


Q8) What game mode should I play first?

A8) I recommend playing survival mode for the best experience.


Q9) What's the best way to play the mod?

A9) It is best to play the mod in multiplayer survival. Please invite your friends to play the mod with you. :)


Q10) Where is ALIT: Magitech? I WANT IT NOW!

A10) Calm down, ALIT: Magitech will come someday. Just wait until the day comes since it will be many times larger than ALIT: Sunlight Zombie. Join the Discord server for more information (the invite link can be found at the start of the mod description)


Q11) How are you?

A11)  Bread 👍



Minecraft mod files
MPC-1.20.1-1.3.2.jar - Latest 1.20.1 Version Uploaded on: 09/03/2024 - 13:18   File size: 1.22 MB


  • Added CE Regen Speed Attribute.
  • Added /ca_status command that will show the availability of all abilities.
  • Player Abilities will no longer damage mob the player is riding.
  • Wind Ability can now push the entity the ability user is riding.
  • Fixed Tower Box ingot loot multiplying when picking them up immediately.
  • Fixed bug where is not being used for Powder Ice's name.



  • Buffed Lightning Ability attack damage
  • Buffed Lava ability attack damage
  • Buffed Sandstorm ability attack damage
  • Buffed Heavy cast of Bone Meal Ability
  • Slightly reduced CE cost of the healer ability
  • Fixed bug where losing atomic ability while heavy is active crashes the game



  • Added Atomic Ability
  • Added Mining Ability
  • Added a system for multiplayer that will free a player's ability if they haven't joined in a while
  • Added "I. Am. Atomic." Advancement
  • Added "daysPlayerHasAbilityOffline" gamerule
  • Added "forge:mining_ability_tool_allow" item tag for mining ability
  • Mining Tower Boxes will now drop experience instead of dropping itself
  • Anti-Crystal enchantment can now be obtained through enchantment tables
  • Slightly buffed Sandstorm ability
  • Lightness ability users will now be immune to Radiated potion effect



  • Reduced CE Cost of Weather ability
  • Fire ability will no longer grant lava damage immunity
  • Fixed lava ability user not being immune to fire and lava damage



  • Sandstorm Ability can now break leaves
  • Nerfed Sandstorm ability
  • Fixed Spatial and Wind Ability users breaking farmland when walking on them



  • Added Sandstorm Ability
  • Added Lava Ability
  • Added Weather Ability
  • Added the Spatial Ability
  • Added "Donut Maker!" Advancement
  • Lightning Ability users can now also summon lightning while raining
  • Berserking will now break surrounding foliage when activating
  • Lightness now gives Speed III but switches to Speed VI when sprinting
  • Buffed Wind Ability damage
  • Anti-Crystal Enchantment is now more common
  • Replaced hardcoded titles of abilities to ones that are localized
  • Fixed Soap bubbles able to enter boats and minecarts
  • Fixed ability users still having passive effects when exposed to weakness



  • Added No available abilities left message when all abilities are taken
  • Fixed server-side performance issues with Shadow Demon ability



  • Added keepCrystalAbility gamerule (default=false)
  • Added "forge:swordsman_weapon_allow" compatibility tag
  • Added Compatibility with Combat Reborn for swordsman ability
  • Buffed Normal Cast of the Healer Ability
  • Reduced Tower Dungeon Spawn Rate
  • Reduced Crystal Star Spawn rate



  • Added Tower Box Block: Replaces Tower Dungeon Loot Chest
  • Nerfed Tower Dungeon Loot
  • Nerfed Lightness Ability speed
  • Reduced Dungeon Tower Spawn rate to spawn half as often
  • Fixed a bug where Crystal Stars weren't spawning frequently enough



  • Added Smoke Ability
  • Added Shield Ability
  • Added Healer Ability
  • Added Bone Meal Ability
  • Added "El Thor!" Advancement
  • Added "But why tho" Advancement
  • Added "Let Him Cook" Advancement
  • Tower Dungeon loot table now has a 50% chance of giving 2 power crystals
  • Tower Dungeons are now slightly more common.
  • Buffed Cooker ability by burning mobs within 2 blocks when player cooks
  • Fixed issue where ability shots can sometimes knockback mobs backwards
  • Fixed issue where fire ability damaging dropped items
  • Fixed Swordsman Slash damaging shields of creative mode players
  • Fixed Swordsman and water ability breaking Light Blocks
  • Fixed text formatting for when CE is inserted into food through commands
  • Fixed issue where /crystal_ability couldn't give others an ability



  • The blacklist file now supports multiple lines.
  • Soap bubbles will despawn if too many bubbles are within the same block.
  • Improved Snow layer placement for Powder Ice ability.
  • Buffed Heavy Explosion Attack explosive power.
  • Buffed Water Ability attack damage.
  • Buffed Cooker Ability.
  • Slightly buffed Heavy Swordsman attack.
  • Fixed excessive vertical Powder Ice Knockback.
  • Fixed black holes that were pulling spectator mode players.
  • Fixed spelling mistakes in the mod description.
  • Fixed bug where some ability shots despawn when hitting foliage.
  • Fixed soap bubble exploding when in contact with players in spectator mode.



  • First Release.